Guinevere's Build Dies Easy? Use Build Semi Fighter!

Hero Guinevere

Hola Vicigers! Who here is a loyal Mobile Legends player as a Guinevere build user?

Previously, we knew for sure that a development games can be seen from the number of users in the community, more and more player who downloaded the game, it can be concluded games it becomes games interesting to play.

In the course of technological change, many things have changed from the world gamers, starting from the appearance from 2 dimensions to 3 dimensions, the image quality is increasing so that it can only be played on a PC until you can support played on smartphones.

Mobile Legends Bang Bang (MLBB) is a game that is quite popular nowadays, games with genres This MOBA, makes a change in the world of para gamers, for making fans online game soared increased.

The amount player who plays online game, making it easy for you to find friends to play with anywhere. So you have to start mastering heroes  to be used in the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB).

Although many roles which is available, player it is advisable to choose excellence in one roles, then study roles other. In-depth one heroes roles will make player as top local to global if you manage to get points continuously.

One of hero roles is often played hero mage. Heroes which became a mainstay to give the pain in early game. However, there is hero mage which you can use as one person at a time Fighters. who heroes the ? The following is a summary from Guinevere

Guinevere's profile


Origin of appearance heroes This story begins with the story of the kingdom of King Arthur. Guinevere is described as a beautiful and intelligent girl, but has a penchant for experimenting with witchcraft. 

The girl who comes from the Baroque family, is known as a noble family with strong fishing skills and has a wise personality. So it's no wonder the intelligence he has, makes him heroes This is the spirit of exploring the world of magic.

Armed with this knowledge, in the game Mobile Legends Bang Bang (MLBB) he became one heroes subscribe to play. Guinevere is quite agile and strong when playing the role mage fighter.

Passive skills it has named (Super Magic), the effect given is an increase damage amounted to 25% when airborne regarding targets. As well as provide basic attack damage of (+80% physical attacks and 60% magic power).

Heroes you can use this in early game by using mage items in order to provide damage a big one to your opponent, and buy fighter items when you enter midgame and late game.

Guinevere is perfect for player use as one offlaner, with skills possessed, he could even be detached from stun fight when in bro.

Guinevere Build Items

Guinevere build items

Items Build Guinevere used as one of the supports for each heroes optimize their capabilities. You guys can use items this is to make Guinevere a person hero mage fighter tough one.

At the start of the game Swift Boots perfect for Guinevere to wear, because boots it is quite flexible. Use items will make movement speed from sang heroes increases so that the movement as offlaner the easier.

The next is Concentrated Energy, effect items this will provide a fairly large HP recovery and give 25% magical lifesteal. And will restore HP by 10%. Items This can also make Guinevere's additional HP 700.

Slots the 3rd build Guinevere it will be filled by Calamity Reapers, this will produce truedamage which is hard to endure magical and physical defense from basic attacks Guinevere. Movement Speed of heroes This too will change when purchasing items this.

Then to add magic attacks, player have to buy Holy Crystal because, magic attacks will increase by 35% and make damage a pain when entering late game.

On items Furthermore, build Guinevere must wear the Feather of Heaven, with items you will get extra attack speed of 30% and 5% movement speed. also extra damage of 40% through basic attacks. This makes Guinevere's attacks even more effective.

Also Read: This is Valir's build that keeps the enemy from moving!

Last and the addition of items build Guinevere this is Blood Wings. Items this will give 500 HP and will continue to increase every 1 increase magic power. Other effects are an additional 150 magic power what makes damage it's getting sick.

That's the discussion about Guinevere's profile and build, sir mage fighter. Are you interested in using heroes this one? Good luck and make your game skills increase.

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