Sad news for Dota 2 SEA Region lovers. This is because the only SEA representative at The International (TI) 11, BOOM Esports, had to leave after losing against PSG.LGD.
Want to know how the match went? Check it out below!
Also Read: Recap Main Stage Day-1 The International (TI) 11: Amazing!
BOOM Esports vs PSG.LGD at TI 11:0-2

BOOM Esports forced to go home after losing against PSG.LGD in the Lower Bracket TI 11 with a score of 0-2. It's true that PSG.LGD is one of the strongest esports teams at TI 11 and is also called a potential champion.
A little explanation from the two teams, PSG.LGD is an esports team from the China region, along with RNG and Team Aster. PSG.LGD is often ranked first in The International champion predictions. He had to go down to the Lower Bracket after losing against TeamSecret.
Meanwhile, BOOM Esports is the last representative from the SEA region at The International 11 after Fnatic lost against Gaimin Gladiators. As a team with the hashtag #IndoPride, BOOM Esports also went viral after defeating TeamSpirit yesterday.
Without further ado, here is the summary!
Also Read: Prediction of 5 Esports Teams That Will Win The International (TI) 11
Game 1

BOOM Esports (Radiant)
Fbz : Phoenix
TIMS : Tusk
Yopaj- : Mars
scheme : Crystal Maiden
JACKYBOYS : Lifestealer
PSG. LGD (Dire)
Ame : Monkey King
NothingToSay : Kunkka
Faith_bian : Slardar
XinQ : Snapfire
y' : Chen
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In terms of drafts, to be honest, the author is more inclined towards PSG.LGD. They have three different damage dealers (Kunkka, Slardar, Monkey King). Everyone has a stunner (except Chen).
Meanwhile, from BOOM Esports, they really rely on skill. Their biggest damage dealer is only Lifestealer. Moreover, selecting Phoenix in the last pick is quite difficult, his Supernova can be countered by Snapfire.
Get into the match, since early game (0-15 minutes), PSG.LGD is very brutal. BOOM Esports players were successfully ganked one by one. Not until the 7th minute, PSG.LGD managed to get 4 kills.
The PSG.LGD game is very neat. They always back up each other. At least one hero is always accompanied by Snapfire to help escape from battle. Until the end of the early game, the kill points for the two BOOM Esports – PSG.LGD teams were 2 – 9.
When entering the mid game, PSG.LGD always initiates it very carefully. Occasionally BOOM Esports can get a kill, but still PSG.LGD can be that as an advantage. One of them is securing the first Roshan in the 17th minute.
In the 26th minute, PSG.LGD also took Roshan's second chance and secured Jungle Radiant. Win probability is increasingly pointing towards PSG.LGD.
Last War

The final battle took place at Tower Tier-3 Bottom Lane from BOOM Esports in the 29th minute. The condition is that all PSG.LGD members are destroying the tower.
As soon as the tower was destroyed, BOOM Esports immediately attacked with all their might. Phoenix casts Sun Ray, Walrus Punch casts, Lifestealer Rage spams basic attacks, and Spear Mars towards Kunkka.
But Monkey King issues Wukong's Command, Mortimer Cookies goes out to save Kunkka, and BKB from Slardar on. PSG.LGD countered with a very hard attack.
Until finally, at 29.36 minutes, BOOM Esports typed “GG Call”, allowing PSG.LGD to secure one point from Best of Three.
PSG.LGD vs BOOM Esports TI 11: Game 2

PSG. LGD (Dire)
Ame : Drow Ranger
NothingToSay : Ember Spirit
Faith_bian : Visage
XinQ : Earthshaker
y' : Undying
BOOM Esports (Radiant)
Fbz : Death Prophet
TIMS : Hoodwink
Yopaj- : Kunkka
scheme : Enchantress
JACKYBOYS : Bloodseekers
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In terms of drafts, the writer might be leaning towards BOOM Esports this time. Utilize all heroes to harass, then open the vision of stalking enemies with Thirsty.
What's more, there is Death Prophet who is very fast in pushing building or conquering Roshan. We'll just have to see who's next.
Meanwhile, from PSG.LGD, for the early-mid game, the damage dealer is quite time consuming. Drow Ranger can still be countered by Death Prophet and Enchantress. But when it comes to the late game, PSG.LGD has the potential to win.
Early game (0-15 minutes), BOOM Esports' performance was quite good. They got first blood and excelled in kill points. Besides that, in terms of networth and laning, BOOM Esports is superior.
Both teams played very carefully, focusing on farming to get qualified items. Once ready, they will contest Roshan against each other
During the mid game (15-30 minutes), PSG.LGD slowly looked for loopholes to get up. PSG.LGD began to successfully withstand attacks one by one until the war was initiated by BOOM Esports.
In the 21st minute, BOOM Esports lost the battle with PSG.LGD and lost two of their players. This condition was immediately used to secure the first Roshan with Aegis for Drow Ranger.
Turning Point and Last War

The turning point for PSG.LGD is while waiting for the second Roshan. At that time, PSG.LGD was in control of Roshan's respawn, while BOOM Esports was looking for gaps to come through midlane with Smoke of Deceit.
When the two teams met in the midlane, PSG.LGD seemed to surprise BOOM Esports. Earthshaker with Fissure signifies the initiation of war, so BOOM Esports goes all out BKB. But PSG.LGD actually turned around.
After the BKB duration was over, PSG.LGD immediately took out all of its skills. Visage, Ember Spirit, and Drow Ranger beat Kunkka, Enchantress, and Death Prophet BOOM Esports to death.
This opportunity was used to take on a second Roshan with Aegis on the Drow Ranger. And this is when the Last War begins.

The final battle took place at Tower tier-3 top lane BOOM Esports. They tried a push tower using Familiars Visage while luring BOOM Esports out. Unfortunately, they all get attracted, without the BKB, and try to finish off Ember Spirit.
But, because NothingToSay is very responsive, Ember Spirit survived. Meanwhile, almost the entire BOOM Esports team had to die because of Echo Slam, Spam Marksmanship, Tombstone, and basic attacks.
The defeat of the war was continued by PSG.LGD to attack Throne (Ancient). BOOM Esports players cannot move from inside the Fountain because it is blocked by the Fissure from Earthshaker.
PSG.LGD's victory was inevitable after the Throne collapsed, causing BOOM Esport to type “GG Call”. Two points for PSG.LGD means PSG.LGD goes to the next stage, while BOOM Esports has to return from TI 11.
Also Read: Rows of Dota 2 Hero Skills That Translucent Black King Bar (BKB)!
That's the summary of the match between PSG.LGD and BOOM Esports in The International (TI) 11 Playoffs. Congratulations to PSG.LGD and keep pushing for BOOM Esports!
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