For players Dota 2 you must be familiar with the term 'role' in the game. The reason is, the Dota 2 game itself does require certain roles because this game is a team game and requires cooperation in order to achieve victory in the game.
There are lots of Dota 2 roles that players must understand and learn from their functions to which heroes need to be used to fill these roles. Through this article, VCGamers will tell you about Dota 2 roles that you must understand before playing this game!
Dota 2 Roles
As the name implies, a role is a role for a hero that is suitable to be played as a combination of the attributes, abilities, and items they use so that they are able to shape the game. Although the abilities of a hero may be adapted for various purposes and can be used in various and in different situations, the role function still exists to determine the expected play style according to the hero, as well as the actions that players must take when playing.
Following are the Dota 2 roles:

Role Carry or Safelane is a hero who can gain the greatest offensive power during the game. This role is the role that will ultimately win the team game.
This is because the responsibility of a Position 1 carry is to get a lot of gold and experience which makes team players get items faster than opponents, thereby scaling them.
This role tends to be very strong in the late-game compared to other heroes once they have accumulated substantial levels and items. After farming, the Carry role will be very painful to damage opponents and tend to win through their skills that can destroy enemy structures rather than kill enemy heroes.
In addition, players who use this role must also understand timings which is right for farming and timings to help teammates in teamfight.
Heroes suitable for filling the Carry position include Ursa, Phantom Assassin, Anti-Mage, Phantom Lancer, Drow Ranger, Juggernaut etc.
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The next position is Mid-laner. Mid-Laner is a role where players will do solo lane and will reach level 6 the fastest among other roles. The main task of a mid-lane player is to help which lane seems to be going very badly and needs help.
Besides that, mid-laners can usually strengthen their farm and get early kills on the side lanes. A Midlaner is also tasked with getting XP, level, and Gold as quickly as possible.
And another important task of the mid-laner is to dominate the game on early games and mid game by doing roaming to kill the opponent's carry and push towers. So it's no wonder that the mid-lane position is quite an important position in the game.
Heroes suitable for filling this position are Invoker, Shadow Fiend, Templar Assassin, Outworld Destroyer, Storm Spirit, etc.
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The Off-lane role has one of the most important roles in the game Dota 2, because the hero with this role has a purpose harras enemy carry players and hinder them in doing so farming, look for gold and exp.
Another important task of the off-lane role is taking towers early and expanding the map for your team. If you choose the offlaner role in the game, then you must have the ability farming and fighting high and careful in order to be able to contribute optimally to your team.
Having an offlaner on your team also allows your team to have jungler or running tri-lanes with less risk of losing suicide lane to opposing lanes.
The heroes that are suitable for this role are Underlord, Axe, Tidehunter, Bristleback, Centaur Warruner, etc.
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Soft Supportt

Roaming Support or Soft Support is a role that is also quite important in Dota 2, because this role has the task of giving vision to the team on the map and rotating to other lanes and killing as many opponents as possible. The Soft Support role is also a role that must be filled by players who usually appear to fight runes with 4 minutes of power or 6 minutes to fight mid-laners.
In addition, this role also has a duty to help cores team to achieve gold and XP the maximum in a way roaming from one lane to another. If Vicigers chooses to be in this role, Vicigers must be active stacking creeps, warding, and help carry the team to kill or bro against enemies.
Keep in mind that Support heroes don't really need items, and generally only buy one or two items for the player's personal use. If there is gold left over, players usually use it to buy important items for the team such as the Animal Courier, Sentry Ward, Observer Ward, and Smoke of Deceit.
Heroes suitable for filling this position are Spirit Breaker, Mirana, Earth Spirit, Bounty Hunter, Undying, Sand King, Tusk, etc.
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Hard Support

Apart from Soft Support, another position is Hard Support. One of the tasks that is quite important for Hard Support is securing game carry heroes from off-laner support and roaming. In addition, this role also plays a role in helping the team's carry in carrying out farming.
If Vicigers chooses to be this role, then Vicigers must be careful when doing map analysis, warding, and stack creeps able to keep the team's carry off bro opponent.
Heroes suitable for filling this position are Lion, Witch Doctor, Enchantress, Ogre Magi, Pudge, etc.