Recommended Best Zelda Games for 2023


For those of you who like to play games Nintendo definitely no stranger to The Legend of Zelda. This game was first released in 1986. Of course games this is already legendary.

Currently, The Legend of Zelda has dozens of game series. This game revolves around Link, who is often assigned to save Princess Zelda and the Kingdom of Hyrule from Ganondorf's attacks.

Maybe you have never heard of this game or don't know if this game really exists in this world. You see, the go-to-market strategy allows game series to spread across all of Nintendo's game platforms. 

However, believe that all methods have their own specialty. If you really can't name them all, that's okay. 

Here are some of the Legend of Zelda game series that you should try at least once in your life!

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List of the Best Zelda Games of 2023

Of course, you know there are several games that you can play in 2023. So, this time we have summarized some of the best games from this legendary franchise version. Here's the list!

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
The Minish Cap. Source: Youtube/Ninetendo.

The Minish Cap series is also one of the best series to play. The series was released for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance mobile console in 2004, offering a unique gaming experience. 

Link can dismount and fight the little monsters with swords of course. The puzzle of The Legend of Zelda is still in this game, you will be given a strong impression. 

It's not that difficult to play The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap series. You can search for Nintendo Wii U and buy the game digitally. It is believed that you will not regret if you try this game.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

TwilightPrincess. Source: Youtube/Domtendo.

If you think the Link in the Beast series is really cool, you should try the Twilight Princess series. This game was created to help Nintendo Wii sales in 2006. 

Unfortunately, the results at that time were not as great as Breath of the Wild on the Nintendo Switch, even though Nintendo was very good at presenting the figure of Link in this game.

Links to these play systems can also do a lot of things, such as breathing systems of animals by walking, climbing, and hanging from rock corners. 

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was released for the Nintendo Wii U, both using motion sensors. Are you sure you want to ignore this game?

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Majora's Mask
Majora's Mask. Source: Youtube/Modntendo.

This series is no less interesting than other games. You will travel across Hyrule, discovering the Clock City which is about to experience an apocalyptic event in just three days. 

To stop the evil moon's impending destruction, Link must don a mask that grants him new abilities or even transforms his race into dangerous creatures like Zora or Deku.

Masks provide an interesting change from Zelda's standard equipment. In contrast to the sprawling and sprawling Hyrule Ocarina, Majora's Mask is a very focused experience.

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The Legend of Zelda

Legends Games. Source: Ninetendo.

One of Nintendo's best games, this game is one of the best Zelda titles in the series. A dark situation plagues the game, where the alliance will stop the Hyrule Kingdom from Zant and the Twilight Empire from taking over, with the help of Midna the Imp. 

Twilight Princess does things very differently, like providing backlinks and discussing adult themes. Graphically, it's realistic and noticeably darker than previous Zelda titles.

Also read: 5 Scariest Horror Games on Android 2023

If you want to top up games cheaply and quickly, let's go straight to VCGamers Marketplace.

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