Good news for those of you who always use sideline heroes. The current sideline hero is not only a one by one hero. However, this sideline hero can be used as one of the main candidates that you can use to back up lane. Here are the 7 Best Offlaner Heroes version of VCGamers that you should know about!
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Offlaner Overview

Not many of us, that sideline hero must be able to turn things around. Fighter heroes are generally one of the favorite heroes that can be used as sidelines.
Currently, the sideline is not only a mechanical focus. Macro capabilities in this role are needed. Well, for those of you who want to learn this sideline hero. There are several things you should know and understand more about.
- Analysis of enemy capabilities
- Know your own hero power and know the skills of the hero you use
- Don't be blind to the map, you have to follow the radio signals from your friends
Well, that's what can be used as a reference for you, so that your abilities and skills are even better. For further info, let's see the Best Offlaner Hero version VCGamers.
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The 7 Best Offlaner Heroes version of VCGamers

Before reviewing the Best Offlaner Hero version VCGamers. You have to know a number of things that can be taken into consideration when playing sidelines. Currently sideline, not only being a hero that only focuses on mechanics.
So that you have more control over sideline heroes or other offlaners. You have to know the hero power of yourself. Well, after knowing this. The following are the 7 Best Offlaner Heroes version of VCGamers that you can use in-game.
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The first Offlaner hero that you can use as a reference when dueling in offlane is Phoveus. This hero is a typical mage with pretty good durability. The weakness of this hero is his passive when meeting heroes like Esmeralda and Harith. However, don't worry, you are very reliable when using this hero with opponents who have dash skills.
Certainly, it will be easy to catch up with your opponents who have dash skills. You can get even more sick by combining several build items that you can improvise later. The Best Offlaner Hero version of VCGamers can be one of the best for you.
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Yu Zhong

This fighter hero is very reliable to backstep the enemy. The ultimate, which is a dragon, can really become a deadly weapon.
You can use this hero to become a good baiter or a pretty good initiator. Of course, when using this hero fighter, take advantage of the moment and dominate your opponent so that you will have more control over the flow of the game.
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The next Best Offlaner Hero version of VCGamers is Esmeralda. Having high durability, as well as agile absorption skills make this hero a favorite offlaner hero in tournaments and rankings.
Those of you who use this one hero must be able to understand passive skills as well as skills 1 and 2 of this one hero. You can make this hero an ace for your team. Because Esmeralda is very strong in the late game and is unstoppable.
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The next hero backdrop is this agile hero from the Philippines. Yup! Lapu-lapu can be used as one of the Best Offlaner Heroes in the VCGamers version. You can use this hero, if you are good at playing basic attack and passive from this one fighter hero.
To go further than your opponent. You must first win the paching lane from yourself.
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This hero has high damage and fairly fast mobility. Naturally, Paquito is one of the Best Offlaner Heroes in the VCGamers version. You can use this hero to attack enemies with high damage.
Close range is definitely one of the main weapons of this hero. Make sure, you have to have a lot of space when dealing with enemies. Don't be careless when using this one hero.
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The aftermath of a problem that was never resolved. This hero has been nerfed several times. However, they are still the most picked in MPL. Uranus has a lot of collaborative skills. Including very fast regen. You who have a sense of being an offlaner tanker are perfect for using this one hero.
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The last VCGamers version of the Best Offlaner Hero is ruby. This hero is very fast in killing creeps. Ruby also has a fairly heavy spell vamp. So, this one hero is one of the favorites and can be relied upon.