Survival mode, is one of the favorite modes of breakthrough players Mobile Legends has been back since March 16, 2021, you know! Much like the Hunger Games movies, in vogue survival this player is required to be able to survive until the game is over. In addition, there will be no turrets or bases to destroy.
In Fashion Survival this, every heroes must be able to kill each other or beat each other to get the ultimate winner.
Fashion comparison survival with other modes in Mobile Legends is the map which is quite extensive. In early game mode survival, a map will appear with an animation of a flying dragon.
Later, each team will take turns jumping from the dragon to get to the mainland. It is almost similar to survival games PUBG Mobile.
If heroes landed in the arena, next heroes need to find monsters to defeat. Every heroes will instantly have level 15 dan heroes will not have money so will not have items for build.
So that heroes get items, heroes must defeat the monsters that are present in the game arena. After the monster is defeated, it will automatically items will appear and can be immediately taken for build so that heroes getting great.
If you feel that heroes already strong and powerful enough to fight, then just fight face to face heroes enemy. Of course, you have to be careful heroes enemies hiding in the grass.
Besides greatness heroes, team strategy must also be thought out with team members in order to win matches in mode survival this.
Then, how about 5 powerful tips to survive in this survival mode?
- Take your pick Heroes Appropriate and Correct
When you will choose heroes, you will get a variety of choices heroes. Take your pick heroes the right way by paying attention to good composition and balance so you can help the team to win the game.
Choice heroes you have 3 categories, viz Physical, Magic, and Defense. Do not let all team members vote Role Heroes the same, huh!
- Important, Pay Attention to Your Team's Location!
Survival This mode only consists of 3 players. Therefore, you have to determine the composition of the team very precisely. If not, your team will be unbalanced and this will affect your team's game performance.
So that the composition of your team is balanced, try to have 1 Marksman and 1 tankers. Thus, each member of your team can mutually benefit one another.
- Choose a Safe And Quiet Landing Place
So that you have enough time to search and collect items quickly, then you have to land in a deserted place to look for it. This is the basic strategy in playing survival mode.
Also because in survival In this mode you play with a team, so it is very important that you land together. If you land in a different place, then you will be easy on kill by the enemy team.
Inform all team members where to land properly. Choose a location that has the least chance of the enemy team going in that direction. In choosing a landing place, there will be 3 paths that the dragon will pass.
Take this opportunity to avoid areas that are mostly chosen by the opposing team.
- Always With Your Team
Don't split up too far with your teammates. Survival This mode prioritizes good teamwork. Don't ignore each other between teammates. Because it makes it easier for the opposing team to attack and destroy you.
You and your teammates must stick together no matter what happens to you. Because with togetherness each team member can strengthen one another.
Marksman can get protection from tankers. Marksman can also help attack when sighted tankers is holding the opponent's attack, and so on.
With togetherness you will also get many benefits, namely you can ambush enemies who are alone, can help each other when they see team members need help, can also revive dead teammates, and you can do farming faster.
In the end, you guys can kill Lord together with team members to win the game.
- Don't Miss Farming
You must do farming, the same as the game in other modes in MLBB. With you doing farming, then you can get items or gears, so that heroes -You and your team will become stronger.
Especially in folder this vast area, each region certainly has a lot of monsters. This makes it easier for you to do farming. You will get items or gears after you can destroy the black box.
Kill Lord and destroying the black box will grant you great abilities. To increase your chances of surviving longer, you must choose the right abilities for heroes-your.
This is very useful for you and your teammates when you are going to kill Lord if this is necessary...
What to Look For When Playing in Survival Mode?
- Pay attention to friends in the map before you get off
This is very often missed and also ignored by most players when playing this mode. Sometimes there are teammates who have gone down first, but they are still riding the dragon. So they get off in separate places.
- Don't Make Mistakes In Filling Equipment You Guys By Killing Creeps
Mode survival unlike the usual mode in MLBB. In this mode we have to kill the opponent or creep first to get something items or equipment.
- Keep Watching Safe Zone
Supervise safe zone is something that is often forgotten because we are too engrossed in doing it farming to get equipment or we are chasing the enemy.
Let's Play Arcade Mode & Get Skins Permanent Yi Shun Shin!

In order to celebrate the 5th anniversary of MLBB, everyone arcades mode is open from 27 September 2021 – 15 October 2021 you know! Phase 1 will start on 27 September 2021 – 3 October 2021. Meanwhile, phase 2 will start on 5 October 2021 – 11 October 2021.
Let's play arcades mode 1 time every day and exchange box arcades for a chance to win skins Permanent YSS!
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