4 Best Items for Hero Estes, the Mighty Gas Station!

Hero Estes

Aloha Vicigers! Back again, we will discuss one of our mighty heroes here Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. Who is she? Yep! He is Hero Estes, the mighty gas station. Let's see the info!

Estes is one heroes A very strong Mobile Legend. Estes was able to fill side lane roles as support for Marksman. Estes is also heroes who can help the Mobile Legend team to victory with healing skills and the CC.

The character Estes is able to help Marksman in farming safely even though Estes is a type hero support-healer but Estes also has skills like slow AOE to hinder enemy movement.

Estes with skills passive is able to attack para heroes from a distance and attacked fiercely. However, Estes was not heroes who can play alone. He must have a team that can help because he is heroes which squishies.

skills that Hero Estes has like ultimate can help the team to turn things around inside teamfight though. Apart from that, Hero Estes also fills in role support strong and not to be underestimated, even he is capable of being a threat to the enemy.

The right item for Hero Estes

Estes is capable of being hero support best considered like gas station when used properly. Then what's the right way to use Estes? The first step is to use the right items for Estes!

Fleeting time

Fleeting Time Hero Estes

Fleeting time is an item that is usually used by Estes to reduce CD Reduction Ultimate when under attack kill or assists. This item can make Estes wear ultimate-it continuously over a long period of time.

Items fleeting time this is very useful because ultimate-he can do heal continuously for the team. This is what makes Estes called a "gas station" with this item because it can provide heal for the team members.

Demon Shoes

Demon Shoes is an item that is needed by Estes in order to use skill-it continuously. with items demon shoes this, Hero Estes can help push the Enemy Marksman and help the team when it's in trouble.

If you wanna be roamers active by using Estes, you can change the shoes with rapid boots and buy items where's regene other. skills Estes will increasingly provide damage in a match.

Winter Truncheons

Winter for Hero Estes

Hero Estes is able to survive very fatal attacks by using items winter trunks this. However, there is something you need to remember when using items winter trunks because this item has a long CD so it must be used in important conditions and timings that fits.

Estes can go to the forefront as a “gas station” or machine healing for team members. You guys can heal yourself use this item so as not to get hit damage enemy when health points you are nearing the end.


Immortality Hero Estes

Another item that Estes uses and is useful for the team is an item immortality that can bring team members back to life. After that you can heal yourselves tosupport your team has more time.

However, items immortality can only awaken heroes twice, after that this item will lose its passive. So, the strategy is if you have used the usage limit for this item, you are advised to sell this item and buy another item.

After knowing the strategy for using the right item, the next is knowing the strategy at the time war. The first strategy to do when war is that Estes must gather with his teammates so that the team becomes strong war.

The second strategy is to use basic attacks and skills to lock or lock movement core heroes enemy. Don't focus too much on killing either tank heroes if sesame hero support.

The last strategy is using ultimate skills when a teammate is dying. But don't use it skills this if not heroes a team that is dying because of that will instead become a threat to your own team.

There are a number of things that you shouldn't do when using Estes in Mobile Legend, these things will make you noops and your team will suffer defeat.

First thing not to do heroes Estes is in silence in a lane, it will do core heroes become poor and your team becomes not strong inside war. Of course this will be detrimental to your team and could lead to defeat.

The second thing that should not be done next is open war in late game, because Estes could easily belock even killed. The last thing you shouldn't do is steal points kill from core heroes. So, don't do it!

Play Estes by leveraging its power as a "gas station" for your team and win health points happy competing!

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