Update Dota 2 patch 7.32 provides a lot of surprises, both from the side folder, gameplay, heroes, until Battle Pass. Curious what are the surprises?
Lately, Dota 2 is back to being hype. Some of these factors updates exciting and upcoming big Dota 2 tournament, The International 11.
While waiting for the tournament, Valve released updates Dota 2 patch 7.32. Approximately, anything updateshis?
To make it easier, VCGamers has summarized what you need to know.
Also Read: Complete Schedule, Venues, and Format of The International 11 Dota 2
Update Dota 2 Patch 7.32

As mentioned above, this update is quite surprising because it can change a lot of things. Without further ado, here's a summary of the Dota 2 patch 7.32 update version of VCGamers.
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Folder and Creeps the "Little" Changed

This update slightly revamped the shape of the map, especially in the area midlane. Valve decided to remove small camp in midlane.
For the midlaner may feel the effect with reduced gold. But on the bright side midlaner can focus more on security lanes hers.
To replace small camp, Valve added flagbearer creep who attended together creep waves each team. flagbearer creep will attend every 2 minutes, deliver buff +3 health regeneration if it's nearby.
If the enemy Hero manages to do last hits to flagbearer creep, all enemy heroes nearby flagbearer creep will get as much gold as bounty creeps (34-39 golds). Additional gold for the support.
Adjustment Auspicious Items

Most of the adjustments items in updates this time is profitable. Lots of stuff with effects lifesteal who get buff which is big enough to be a breath of fresh air for the carry.
At least there are only 3 items the less good, that is Soul Ring, Shadow Amulet, and Urn of Shadows. Starting from Soul Rings with a more expensive prescription price of 155 gold, Shadow Amulets now has a duration of 15 seconds, and a using distance Urn being closer.
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Substitution Neutral Items significant

In order not to get bored, Valve makes exchanges and additions neutral items which turned out to be very profitable.
For Tier 1, some items like Keen Optic, Chipped Vest, and Ocean Heart exchanged for more useful goods support. Like the example Seeds of Serenity which can give a +8 area heal for 14 seconds (total 112 HP) and Occult Bracelet that will deliver where's regene 0.5 if attacked (stack 5x).
For Tier 2 there is Dagger of Ristul which can give +40 damage at the expense of 100 HP.
Tier 3 is the Ogre Seal Totem. This knife-shaped item can push your Hero forward, produce 150 damage and also slow down enemies that hit it. Can be used for initiation or escape.
Tier 4 will exist Havoc Hammer, a Neutral Items that can provide knockback and magic damage big. Suitable for those of you who use heroes strength. But his presence replaced The Levellers, makes it a little difficult for you topush enemy towers.
Interesting Hero Updates

More than 100 heroes hit Buffs, Nerfs, or Adjusted in patches this time. Some of them are Alchemist, Centaur Warrunner, and Phantom Assassin.
This time there is an Alchemist who can become hard carry at a time support together. Alchemist will get a bonus damage and Spell Amplification if give Aghanim's Scepter to friends. Talent level 15 can also add armor to friends by using Acid Spray hers.
Centaur Warrunner is also now the talk of the town because rework Aghanim's Scepter newest. With skills Hitch a Ride, Centaur can transport friendly Heroes using his cart. The heroes in the cart cannot be targeted by the enemy.
Phantom Assassins in patches this time might be the champion. skills Phantom Strike hers now has lifesteal and also his level 15 Talent allows Phantom Assassin to get +25% Blur Evasion.
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Main Event Update Dota 2 Patch 7.32: Battle Pass The International 2022

Last is updates Very interesting Battle Pass. Starting from items, bundle skin interesting, and the coolest is Skin Arcana Hero Faceless Void.
This Arcana Faceless Void skin has an octopus-like shape with lots of tentacles. Looks similar to Davy Jones from the movies Pirates of Caribbean or similar to Cthulhu.
Also read: How to Buy Dota 2 Battle Pass, Easy and Safe!

You can get this Faceless Void Arcana by leveling up the Battle Pass to level 495 by means top up use SteamWallet or finish Weekly Missions.
In the Battle Pass there are also several features to celebrate The International 11. Such features as Bracket updates, predict the champion of The International 11, arrange the best team by card Fantasy, and so forth.
For more complete updates about the Battle Pass, you can open the official page Battle Pass Dota 2 here.
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