Here, we will discuss about Eudora's gameplay tips Mobile Legends which can make you kill enemy heroes as you like bro!
This Eudora Mobile Legends guide will focus on Eudora MLBB gameplay tips and tricks during the three phases of the game: early game, mid game and late game.
Eudora is a relatively strong hero in all 3 phases and does very well in the Mid game. However, you have to often practice using Eudora's gameplay to get the most out of it in Land Of Dawn.
Eudora's Gameplay Tricks in Mobile Legends
Early Game

Secure the bushes next to Litho Wanderer just as you reach Mid Lane. In most cases, Eudora's gameplay will play as Support in the Mid Lane, and your job in the early game is to poke and harass enemy Tanks and support as much as possible.
Take Skill 1 first to maximize the Area of Effect (AoE) which can provide poke damage. This spot in the bushes is great because it gives easy access to passing enemies.
At level 2, Eudora will unlock her Skill 2, allowing her to Stun the enemy. If there is one enemy on the field, use the Skill 2 + Skill 1 combo to activate the Superconductor at Skill 1, dealing more damage.
If there are a lot of enemies, use the Skill 1 + Skill 2 combo to deal moderate damage and temporarily stun them all. Continue cleaning the mid-lane minions up to level 4, and help your Tank/Jungle if they are having problems near the Mid lane.
If you play like a Roamer, then the main focus of the game is protecting the hero kernel, helping teammates who are facing problems and always participating in teamfights. One thing that Eudora couldn't do was serve as an offlaner.
Mid Game

At level 4, Eudora's gameplay is capable of killing almost all the heroes on the enemy team. Hide again in the bushes near Litho Wanderer or near the enemy's jungle.
If the Jungler or Support is within range, Eudora can use the following skill combo to instantly melt their HP.
Skill 2 + Ultimate + Skill 1
This is almost a guaranteed kill on anyone, depending on the difference in gold. If an enemy is slightly out of reach, you can choose to use Flicker to close the gap, making sure there are no other enemy heroes nearby to back them up.
In this phase, Eudora's gameplay can also follow Tank to explore other lanes after completing Mid Lane.
Late Game

In the late game, Eudora's gameplay should already have most of the core items and will deal enormous damage with the Skill 2 + Ultimate + Skill 1 combo.
This stage is very important to win the game, because being kicked by the enemy will be useless if your team ends up losing the team fight.
It is best to stay hidden in the bushes to ambush enemy Junglers to give your team the edge in team fights or to take Lords or roam with Tanks to secure vision and good kills.
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Combo Skills

For skill combos, you can use skill one and skill definitive. This combo is the strongest combination! Guaranteed opponent killed immediately.
Then the last one is the right way for Eudora Hero, how is it? The first thing you should pay attention to when war is position, make sure your distance from the opponent's hero is safe.
Second, always with combo skills, two and three when you want to attack. Then, the latter would often hide in the grass and wait for the walking opponent to be killed.
Eudora is one of the sickest Mages in ML at the moment, because of her extraordinary ability to lock one of the enemy heroes from a safe distance.
The weapon is complete with decent Stun and lots of poke and burst damage, perfect for scaling from the dominant Early game to the very scary Mid and Late game.
Overall, he's definitely a pick-or-ban hero now in the meta until he gets nerfed. These gameplay tips will definitely help you guide easy wins with it in Mobile Legends.
Also read: The Painful Alice Build in Mobile Legends, The Deadly Kiss!
That's all for today's Eudora Mobile Legends gameplay tips. Do Vicigers friends prefer to use Eudora's gameplay in another way? Let us know in the comments section below!