Miya's Most Painful Build in Mobile Legends (ML) Latest in 2024
For you holders Gold Lane in Mobile Legends (ML), surely familiar with the Marksman hero named Miya. Meanwhile, the first Marksman hero in ML is famous for its combination of critical attacks and attack speed.
Although rarely seen in the highest ranks, Miya can be a very deadly hero when she enters the late game.
In order to eliminate opponents easily, you must know Miya's most painful build that you can try. What are the builds? Find the answer by reading this article to the end.
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Miya Mobile Legends Skill Explanation

Before knowing the build, of course you have to know the function of the skills on the hero Miya.
That way, you can maximize it through items, emblems and also battle spells. Here is a brief explanation:
Passive Skill – Moon Blessing
Every time an opponent is hit by a basic attack, Miya will gain an additional 5% attack speed that can be stacked up to 5 times for 4 seconds. Once the stack is full, Miya will summon a shadow that can also launch basic attacks.
Skill 1 – Moon Arrow
When Moon Arrow is activated, Miya will shoot two additional arrows on each basic attack to nearby heroes for 4 seconds.
Skill 2 – Arrow of Eclipse
Miya will shoot an arrow to a certain area. Then, the hero in the area will be hit by damage and immobilize effect for 1.2 seconds. Meanwhile, other arrows will spread and cause slow effect to the hero hit by the arrow.
Ultimate – Hidden Moonlight
When activating her ultimate, Miya will remove all debuffs and will enter invisible mode (conceal) while gaining an additional 35% movement speed for 2 seconds.
Not only that, all passive stacks will also be filled immediately when Miya uses Hidden Moonlight.
Miya's Latest Painful Build ML 2024

After knowing her skills, here is Miya's most painful build Mobile Legends, starting from items, emblems, and also battle spells that you can try:
Miya ML's Most Painful Items

In order for Miya to deal painful damage, you will need the following items:
- Swift Boots,
- Haas's Claws,
- Windtalker,
- Berserker Fury,
- Malefic Gun,
- Malefic Roar,
- Sea Halberd (optional),
- Wind of Nature (optional).
First, you have to buy the Swift Boots item first so you can run away from the enemy's pursuit quickly. Considering that Miya is a Gold Lane hero who is often targeted by enemy ganking.
Next, you can immediately buy Haas's Claws to get additional damage, attack speed, and lifesteal.
When Miya has this item, the opponent will think twice before ganking, because Haas's Claws has an additional 25% lifesteal which allows Miya to survive longer.
In addition to lifesteal, Haas's Claws also has an additional attribute of 20% critical chance, which you can add by purchasing the Windtalker item.
With Windtalker, you will get an additional 10% critical chance and 20% movement speed which is very useful for escaping from enemy pursuit.
To make it even more painful, you can add critical chance by buying the Berseker Fury item. The reason is, Berseker Fury is said to have a fairly high addition of stats in terms of critical chance, namely 25% critical chance and 40% critical damage, which makes Miya's damage even more brutal.
Then, you can buy Malefic Gun to maximize the potential of the passive Moonlight Blessing and skill 1 Moon Arrow.
When using the skill, the passive of Malefic Gun will increase the basic attack range by 15% for 3 seconds, allowing Miya to reach more heroes around her.
Meanwhile, you can penetrate the armor of heroes who buy defense items by buying defense items. Malefic Roar. With this item, you will get 20% physical penetration which will drain the enemy's HP easily.
Finally, you can choose one item between Sea Halberd or Wind of Nature according to the conditions. Land of Dawn. If the enemy team has many heroes with HP regen, Sea Halberd can be the right choice, because it has the ability to reduce 50% HP recovery.
On the other hand, you can buy Wind of Nature (WON) if it is often targeted. Assassins. Because, this item can make you immune to all physical damage for 2 seconds.
Miya Emblem Hurts

Not only that, emblems also play an important role so that Miya can provide painful damage. As for you, you can use the Marskman emblem that has reached level 60 with the following talents:
- rupture: With this talent, you will get 5 adaptive penetration. So, the damage Miya incurs will be even more painful.
- WeaponMaster: Meanwhile, Weapon Master functions to increase by 5% all physical attacks obtained from items, emblems, talents and skills,
- Weakness Finder: Because Miya relies on basic attacks, Weakness Finder is very suitable to use. Meanwhile, this talent has an effect that can cause 50% slow and reduce the opponent's attack speed by 30% for every basic attack that hits the target.
Battle Spell That Suits Miya

Actually, Miya can be paired with the Flicker or Inspire battle spell. Of course, this can be adjusted to your playing style.
If you like to play aggressively and attack suddenly, Inspire can be the right choice. With this battle spell, you will get a significant increase in attack speed, physical penetration and lifesteal.
Meanwhile, if you prefer to play it safe, Flicker can be an alternative option. With Flicker, you can escape the target of enemies who are trying to gank.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Hero Miya

If you already know the most painful build, here are the advantages and disadvantages of the Miya hero that you must know. The advantages are as follows:
- Easy to use: Compared to other Marksman heroes, Miya is included in the easy to master heroes. Even beginners can quickly understand all the skills that Miya has,
- High Attack Speed: Thanks to her passive Moon Blessing, Miya can get high attack speed from a combination of items and emblems,
- Heavy Lifesteal: With a combination of lifesteal items such as Haas's Claws, attack speed from her passive Moon Blessing, and Battle Spell Inspire, Miya can get quite a lot of lifesteal. Making it difficult to be eliminated,
- Deadly Surprise Attack: The combination of the ultimate Hidden Moonlight and Battle Spell Inspire, can make Miya disappear from the opponent's sight and immediately deal deadly damage.
On the other hand, here are the shortcomings of the hero Miya that you can consider before choosing him in a match:
- No Blink Skill: Although Miya has an ultimate that allows her to escape from enemy pursuit, she does not have a blink skill. So, if the ultimate is on cooldown, Miya is very vulnerable to being ganked,
- Need Good Positioning: Miya's basic attack range is not as wide. Layla, so you need the right positioning so you can deal damage to the enemy without being kidnapped,
- Relying on Late Game: Like Marksman in general, you can give painful damage when entering the late game and all items have been collected.
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That's Miya's most painful build in Mobile Legends (ML) that you can try. That way, you only need to adjust it to your playing style in the match.
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