As we know, Minecraft PE or Bedrock Edition recently underwent a major update, there was a lot of discussion Minecraft to the player.
And this time we have summarized several discussions that are important for you. Listen to the discussion!
“You Died” Screen Changes

The camera will now zoom out so it is easier to find out the cause of death character You guys, the hotbar is always visible, and you can change certain settings before respawning.
It should be noted that this change will not appear when you use the add-on. To activate or deactivate it, you can go to Settings -> Video, and turn off the 'New “You Died” Screen (Experimental)' feature.
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Toggle crawling below 1 block gap is now fully implemented into the game. Updated “camera interpolation rate” when crawling to match Java Edition.
Fixed several scenarios where crawling was not triggered properly on the server.
Recipe Unlocking

The recipe unlocking toggle has been removed and has been implemented in the world, but it can still be turned ON/OFF, right? The “recipe unlocking” message is no longer visible in the menu.
The stained glass recipe can be unlocked when you get the dye. Recipe notifications now have appropriate text in multiple languages and are no longer buggy.
Added recipe unlocking game rule, If set to “true”, this prevents players from creating recipes they have not unlocked.
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Recipe Book Search

Recipe book search has been updated when playing in Survival mode, Search will only match the beginning of any word in an item name for example: when you type “tor” it will now display Torch and Redstone Torch but not Daylight Detectors.
This change will allow players to find the items they are looking for (even if they haven't been opened yet) without overwhelming new players with recipes they aren't ready to use.
Sleeping Percentage Gamerule
Added “Sleeping Percentage Gamerule”, which allows the night to be skipped when a certain percentage of players (this works for servers or realms).
For example: Zero or negative values only require one player to sleep to pass the night if set to over 100, nights cannot be skipped if only one person sleeps.
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Vanilla Parity
Adjusted the disintegration time of 188 blocks to match Java Edition. Some blocks cannot yet be changed for technical reasons and Obsidian is still deciding what speed they should be.
There is a table of 188 blocks whose destruction times have been changed. You can access it at Minecraft official website and scroll to the bottom.
The Gameplay
Fixed several bugs, and one of them fixed an issue where starting a swim while pressing the sneak button could cause the sneak button to be stuck until the swim ended.
Fixed several bugs, and one of them is that Top Snow is now equivalent to Java Edition and each layer has a different height.
Experimental Trade Changes
This update includes experimental changes to Wandering Trader and Librarian Villager trading.
Mojang is trying out these changes to rebalance the villager trading system and make it fairer and more fun for all players. However, this change is not final and will remain a temporary experimental feature.
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With the new rules, Librarians from different biomes sell different enchantments in each Village biome.
Players should work to get the best trades rather than relying on random chance. Mojang hopes this makes Librarian trading more interesting and skilled.
Librarians from various biomes now sell different enchant books.
Master Librarian with full XP is guaranteed to sell different enchantments in each Village biome. This means that players must visit all seven Village biomes to get the complete enchantments.
There are two secret Village biomes where Villages are not generated where a player must build these Villages to access their trade. The secret biomes are jungle and swamp.
Wandering Trader
Wandering traders now have lower prices and more stock of each item. Wandering Traders now sell logs, Wandering Traders can now buy multiple items, instead of just selling them.
Improvements and Changes
Increases the amount of Diamond Ore found in the deepest parts of the world.
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Minimum Specification Changes Supported on Mobile Hardware
As it develops Minecraft, operating systems and the hardware that supports them must also evolve. For Apple devices, you may need to update to iOS 13 or higher by February 2024 to continue receiving Minecraft updates or access online play. If you are already using the latest version of iOS, you don't need to worry.
For Androids, starting February 2024, devices will need more than 1 GB of RAM, running OS 8 (Oreo) or higher, and have OpenGL ES 3.0 to run Minecraft.
There are still many other updates, mostly about bug fixes in Minecraft. For more details, you can visit the official Minecraft website to find out all Minecraft updates.
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