If you gacha on the standard banner Genshin Impact, Skyward Blade is the most commensurate 5 star weapon you can get.
The standard banner includes banners that are considered inferior to gacha limited. Even though there are lots of good characters and weapons.
For those of you who get the Skyward Blade, the author will provide recommendations for characters who can use swords which are part of this Mondstadt series.
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Skyward Blade Genshin Impact: Stats, Materials, Character Recommendations
We will review in detail about this. Starting from stats, materials to character recommendations that are suitable for using this weapon.
Stats and Bonuses

Skyward Blade is a sword that can increase ATK from the main bonus stats and also Energy Recharge.
Main ATK stat at level 1 is 46 with a maximum of 608 at level 90 (max level)
The amount of Energy Recharge given as a sub stat is 12% at level 1 and reaches 55.1% at the maximum level.
Apart from increasing ATK, Skyward Blade is able to increase Crit Rate, ATK SPD and Movement Speed from a bonus called Sky-Piercing Fang.
Sky-Piercing Fang will increase Crit Rate by 4% at refinement level 1 and 8% at maximum refinement.
When the user's character uses Elemental Burst, you will get Skypiercing Might.
Skypiercing Might can increase Movement SPD by 10%, ATK SPD by 10%.
In this condition, Normal ATK and Charged Attack DMG will increase by 20% at level 1 weapon refinement and the maximum refinement will be 40%. Skypiercing Might will last for 12 seconds.
The author will take the example of Skyward Blade used by Ayato to explain Skyward Blade's bonus Sky-Piercing Fang.
Without attacking, Ayato will gain additional Crit Rate from Sky-Piercing Might. When Ayato uses Elemental Burst at the start of attacking a new enemy, Skypiercing Might will activate.
You can see the weapon will glow and there will be an up arrow around the character indicating the buff is active.
During those 12 seconds, you can use Elemental Skills or Ayato's Normal Attack to maximize DMG.
Ayato's Elemental Skill which previously only gave 15 slashes will be able to give 5 additional slashes and when the buff's duration runs out it will return to the initial DMG.
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Ascension Materials

The Ascension materials that will be needed to maximize the Skyward Blade level are as follows:
- Drops from Normal Enemy Slimes: Slime Condensate, Slime Secretions, and Slime Concentrate.
- Weapon material ascension set: Boreal Wolf's Milk Tooth, Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth, Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang, and Boreal Wolf's Nostalgia
- Drops from Elite Enemy Abyss Mage: Dead Ley Line Branch, Dead Ley Line Leaves, Ley Line Sprout.
Abyss Mage is one of the Elite Enemy that belongs to the Abyss Order. Until now there has been an Abyss Mage with Cryo, Pyro, Hydro, and Electro elements.
To make the farming route easier, you can check the related article Abyss Mage previously discussed VCGamers.
Also read: Abyss Mage Genshin Impact, Drop, Location, Defeat Tips
Recommended Best Characters for Skyward Blade Users

Skyward Blade is a weapon that can increase a lot of stats with the mechanics of activating bonuses in an easy way.
The large ATK stats, large Energy Recharge, coupled with bonuses that can increase SPD make Skyward Blade usable for DPS and support characters.
Even though this sword is very versatile and flexible, there are several character criteria according to the author who are suitable for using the Skyward Blade:
- Top priority or build kits feature Elemental Burst periodically
- Requires Energy Recharge to spam Elemental Burst
- For DPS, characters must frequently use Normal Attacks or Charged Attacks to get optimal DMG
The previous criteria can be a reference for selecting characters that will be suitable for using Skyward Blade.
From the results of the author's experiments, this weapon will be most suitable for use by Kazuha, Bennett, Xingqiu, Layla, Dendro Traveler, Kuki Shinobu, and Jean if you build this character for support.
In addition, this weapon can provide sufficient Energy Recharge for support characters. So, characters will easily spam Elemental Burst to support the party and DPS used.
Ayato and Kaeya is a very suitable DPS using this weapon. The rotation of both characters rotates on the use of Elemental Burst first to optimize DMG when using Normal Attack
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Those are the character recommendations that are suitable when you want to use this weapon. Top up your Genesis Crystal at VCGamers Marketplace and get a variety of dream weapons!