Synopsis and Reasons to Watch Sousou no Frieren

Sousou no Frieren

Sousou no Frieren is an anime produced by the studio Madhouse and released at the end of 2023. 

This anime has genres drama, adventure, to fantasy and tells the story of the life of an elf named Frieren.

Where he goes on a long journey to find the meaning of his life which has lasted thousands of years.

For those of you who haven't had the chance to watch this anime, in this article we will give you several reasons why you should watch this anime immediately.

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Synopsis of Sousou no Frieren

Synopsis of Sousou no Frieren
Synopsis of Sousou no Frieren. Source: Netflix

This anime tells the story of after 10 years of adventure and fighting together against Devil's King, the group of heroes who saved the world, decided to disband. 

This group consists of the hero Himmel, the priest Heiter, the dwarf warrior Eisen, and the elf wizard Frieren.

They decided to separate and continue their respective lives.

For them, 10 years is enough time to create a strong bond between them. 

Where they feel like a family, very close and know each other after going through various ups and downs together.

However, this was not felt by Frieren, who had lived for thousands of years. For him, 10 years is just a small part of his long life.

After the death of his companions, the long-lived Frieren decided to rethink the meaning behind his 10-year journey.

By starting to open his heart to the people he meets, Frieren begins a new adventure to find out what important things he may have missed all this time.

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Reasons To Watch Sousou no Frierien

If you are still unsure about watching this anime, here we present several reasons that can make you watch this anime: 

Beautiful and Exciting Adventure

Beautiful and Exciting Adventure
Beautiful and Exciting Adventure. Source: Crunchyroll

When you watch this anime, you will start to be captivated by Frieren's adventure story. Because it is packaged very well and is fun to follow every episode.

Apart from that, the expressive characters and each enchanting magical effect make this anime even more beautiful.

This anime is supported by high quality animation, so you won't get bored while enjoying each adventure. 

Contains many touching and learning stories

Contains many touching and learning stories
Contains many touching and learning stories. Source: Crunchyroll

When you watch this anime, you will feel ups and downs with different moods in each episode. 

Starting from stories that are annoying, funny and entertaining, to stories that are touching and end in tears. 

As in the synopsis, Frieren was originally an Elf who never cared about the people and environment around him.

But as time goes by, he slowly begins to change and learns how to appreciate what is around him.

Makes you learn to appreciate time

Makes you learn to appreciate time
Makes you learn to appreciate time. Source: Netflix

For a long-lived elf, decades are just a small part of his life. 

And because of this, Frieren never realized that every second of time spent with his human friends was very valuable to them. 

However, after losing his friends, Frieren slowly learned how to appreciate every moment he had.

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So, that's the synopsis and several reasons why you should watch the anime Sousou no Frieren.

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