You are still difficult and stuck with pubg mobile rank that much - that's all. Maybe the gameplay that you are playing is not in accordance with the abilities of those who are playing pubg mobile which you are currently playing.
To avoid this, you need to know the pubg mobile rank. This certainly helps you understand the differences in gameplay and skills in each tier. Here are 8 rank order for mobile punches that you need to know.

The first PUBG Mobile rank is bronze when you start the PUBG Mobile game, definitely in this tier first. This bronze is the lowest tier in pubg mobile because of course at the first start we are presented with lots of tutorials and adjustments.
So, in this tier, you can learn to adjust your gameplay and also your analysis in running the game. Therefore you have to be even better and more effective in the game.
This Bronze has several sections, such as: Bronze V – Bronze I with 1,000 – 1,700 points.

The second PUBG Mobile rank is Silver. Tier where you can further study individual and team skills. You can adjust your gameplay here even better so you can go to the next tier.
To make the game even better while on the silver tier, improve your individual skills starting from close combat, aiming at mid range, long range as well and of course keeping your distance from your opponent.
Just like the bronze tier, this silver has 5 parts as well from Silver V – Silver I with Points 1,700 to 2,200.

Back on track at PUBG Mobile in the Gold tier. It's very good at doing rush and shoot gameplay on tier gold. Because in the gold tier, usually the players who play are bar and often outplay in the game.
You can improve your skills from starting to understand a good landing, using attachments from weapons, being able to drive vehicles and so on. This will help you move up to the next tier.
Gold is divided into 5 types, namely Gold V, Gold IV, Gold III, Gold II and Gold I. Of course you are being chased to get the highest tier in gold points that must be obtained from Gold V - Gold I is 2,200 to 2,700.

Has entered a good pubg mobile rank, namely platinum. Where the games presented in this tier are definitely different from the others. You must have memorized the map carefully, the use of weapons, to the obstacles that can be used to protect you from being shot.
The thing that must be considered is the way you read the opponent's situation in the game, considering that in this tier it is very neat in playing. You must have the right attachments and kits to help you fight back against your enemies
Just like the other tiers, this Diamond has 5 Kinds from Diamond V – Diamond I, so for the points themselves, the range is from 2,700 to 3,200.

The diamond tier has entered the most elite tier, which means you have been declared a pro in this game. This can be shown to you in a brilliant game. Getting WWCD is really mandatory because it often drags points on tier diamonds.
To maintain these points, you have to read the situation on the map and play without being reckless, like rushing or anything else. Of course, be patient and keep using the points as above to support you in a better game.
This diamond tier consists of 5 just like other tiers. You could say Platiumum V – Platinum I with points 3,200 – 3,700.
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The pubg mobile rank that has started to enter is difficult, namely the crown. In this tier, it's definitely difficult to get more points, you have to be more careful. Try to play as a team, not alone, because solo players are very difficult in this tier.
The thing that needs to be improved in skills in this tier is AIM where AIM really helps your role in adjusting obstacles and maps. What's more, if you play at night, of course there are lots of AIM which are quite hard and difficult to beat.
rank It has a gold colored kark98 flagship sniper emblem which is quite attractive. When you reach the Crown you will be between 3700 to 4200 points. Same with the crown from Crown V – Crown I.

Before reaching the highest pubg mobile rank, namely conqueror. You have to be in the hell tier first, ie the ace tier is a tier with 4,200 points for every WWCD you will get 100 points and stars which can certainly help you get a conqueror quickly.

The last pubg mobile rank is conqueror where this tier must be very proud because later you will get the conqueror season title which is definitely very difficult to get people
Competition in the Conqueror rank is quite tight because if your total points drop below the top 500, your rank will change to Ace again.
rank this is quite special because when it reaches the Conqueror, the player gets borders and title Mythic Conqueror.
So that's the pubg mobile rank that you need to know for other pubg info you can access here.