Best Nana Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends 2022

Build Nana And Gameplay Nana

Nana can be used well in every phase of the game in Mobile Legends. So, here we will review the best Nana gameplay tips in 2022.

Nana is a very flexible hero, she can handle all lanes. When you are the only mage in the team, go to mid other. It will give you more exp and gold.

But if you are playing as support then buy a courage mask and help your offlaner. Don't play solo because he is a teamfight hero. 

According to Nana's gameplay, we can divide it into three phases. Our Nana Mobile Legends gameplay guide includes the perfect game plan to become an unbeatable tough support.

However, you must need a good understanding of the map to be the best support for the team.

Gameplay Nana MLBB

Early Game

Game Nana

Purchase Elegant Gems to restore your lost Mana and HP. Then buy a normal Boot and prioritize the Clock of destiny. Don't take the blue buff if your carry wants to be hyper.

This hero is quite troublesome for the enemy because of his skills. Because, he can turn his opponent into a cat with his 2 skills. Moreover, he has a relatively short cooldown so he can easily spam his opponents.

Clear the minions and focus on increasing your level. Try to build the Clock of destiny as fast as possible, after that Build the wand. Don't forget to rotate with the team after reaching level 4.

Skill 2 has the potential to lock the enemy's movement as long as you put it in the right place such as bushes or the area around the Lord/Turtle Pit.

However, don't be too barbaric because you have thin blood. That's why, try to roam with Tank/Support so you can be safer while at the same time doing the Wombo combo.

Mid Game

Game Nana

Place your second skill in the bushes and after morphing do a surprise attack with the team. Don't miss gold, item build is very important. Your task is to help your damage dealer when playing as support.

Build Necklace of Durance will damage the enemy's regen effect and try to build items according to the enemy team. Do whatever you want but always try to push turrets and rotate with teammates. Providing vision is another important thing for Nana.

Late Game

Game Nana

Nana isn't a solo player after getting a nerf from the developer, so her job in the middle and late phases is to gank with the team.

You are very fragile so don't get caught by heavy CC enemies. Build items as quickly as possible so you can place 2 Molinas at once and poke your enemies more often.

Try to put your ultimate in team fights to stun them. Always check passives during turret dives.

If your passive isn't available at the time, don't play too aggressively. Use the following skill combos to take full advantage of it in Mobile Legends.

  • Skill 2+Skill 3+ Skill 1 (this will deal heavy damage) 
  • Skill 2 + Skill 1 + Skill 3

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Both combos are useful, use them according to the situation. Turning enemies into rats will help the team to kill them easily. Spam skill 2 first to identify hidden enemies too.

He really is a very helpful hero but in some cases, enemies will specially tag him to protect their damage dealers.

So place your skill 2 quickly, watch out then push. He is an annoying hero because of his second skill. Every stunner tank and Nana's combos can completely dominate the early phases. You can use him especially if your enemy team chooses Aldous, Esmeralda, Saber, Odette, Atlas, etc.

Hero mage as well as the first support in Mobile Legends, namely Nana, has been increasingly forgotten lately. Rework on him is still not comparable to the damage from other mage heroes.

As a Hero Support/Mage, Nana really depends on her skills and how you execute her combos. Without careful calculations, the skill will be wasted if you just use it.

Also read: Best Brody Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends 2022

Nana's gameplay tips will definitely help you guide easy wins with her in Mobile Legends. 

That's all for today's Nana Mobile Legends gameplay tips. Would you rather use Nana's gameplay in another way? Let us know in the comments section below!

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