Hi vicigers, how is your performance at the start of Season 30? Are you experiencing a Win Streak or Lost Streak on Mobile Legends? So, for those of you who are still not lucky, we will give you some push rank tips.
This 30th season has been made into the season with the biggest updates throughout the year.
Moonton has made many improvements, starting from changing the appearance of the lobby, adding new heroes, improving old heroes, new items, to providing new skins for old heroes.
In this article, we will provide tips about push rank at the start of Season 30.
Hopefully these push rank tips will help you reach Mythic rank or even reach Immortal rank, or perhaps become one of the players with the highest global ranking in Mobile Legends in season 30.
Come on, check out the following tips!
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Tips for Push Rank Mobile Legends Solo Ranked in Season 30

Starting from season 1 to season 30, Solo Ranked players have a big influence on the game Mobile Legends.
They are usually expected to perform with extraordinary abilities and not be a burden to their team.
For solo players, there are three important aspects that need to be considered in order to maintain victory at the start of season 30.
Solo players should aim to achieve a win rate of around 50% or reduce the loss rate as much as possible.
First Solo Player Tips
If you play Solo, it is very important to choose a hero who is capable of dealing a lot of damage, such as a hero marksmen, mage, or assassins who can dominate from start to finish of the game.
Using a tank or offlaner without clarifying mm and core can make it difficult to win the match. However, there is one moment in the game that can change the situation.
For example, playing with a hero like Bruno who is currently very strong (OP). Even if you don't have support from a roamer, Bruno able to stand alone in the lane.
Sometimes, if you can't deal with two heroes guarding a path, it's wise to retreat rather than force yourself forward.
Try your best to defend the tower, and if you have the opportunity, help the jungler take out Turtle, Push Lord, or attack the tower.
The key to success lies in the ability to take advantage of these opportunities to increase your chances of winning.
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Second Solo Player Tip
Avoid rushing in choosing the hero to ban. When you or a team member has the opportunity to ban a Hero in the draft pick system, the first thing you need to pay attention to is to think carefully about the choice of Hero ban.
Sometimes, solo players can make the mistake of banning a Hero randomly, without considering whether the Hero being banned might be a teammate's favorite choice or the Hero is really significant enough to be blocked.
Therefore, one of the important tips in playing solo rank is to avoid banning heroes carelessly.
Before banning, first check the number of matches your teammates have played. Apart from that, make sure to check out your team's favorite heroes. That way, you can make more strategic tire choices and maximize your team's chances of winning.
Third Solo Player Tips
Prioritize turrets rather than collecting points (kills) in Solo Rank mode. If your hero build isn't complete, there's no need to focus too much on collecting kills.
Remember that Solo Rank focuses on hero level, item acquisition, and turret guarding. By focusing on these aspects, your team can avoid late-game comeback situations.
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Tips for Push Rank Mobile Legends Duo Players in Season 30

If you often play in duo player mode, it is recommended to choose one strong tank/roamer hero and one hero with high damage.
Here are some recommendations for tank heroes and heroes with high damage:
For a strong hero roamer, you can choose a Hero Tank roamer or Tank offlaner which has a high HP level and Crowd Control (CC) abilities which are useful in matches. Some good choices include Akai, Atlas, Khufra, Lolita, and Chou.
Meanwhile, for heroes with high damage, you can choose the Marksman, Mage or Assassin Hero.
Choosing two of these categories in Open War can give an advantage to your playing friends who choose Hero Marksman, Mage, or Assassin. Some recommended heroes with high damage include Bruno, Claude, Karrie, and Irithel.
These tips are still effective in helping to increase your rank in Season 30. Make sure to find friends to play with that suit your needs and together you can achieve victory in duo player games.
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Tips for Push Rank Mobile Legends Trio Players in Season 30

The push ranked threesome method, which is often known as Trio Player, involves three players in a team, while the other two players can be random friends.
Playing in a trio is considered superior to playing solo or duo. The Trio formula that is generally used involves one defensive hero, one hero with high attack abilities, and one hero with a more flexible role.
For heroes with high attack abilities, you can choose a mage hero, assassin hero or marksman hero, while defensive heroes are the responsibility of the tank hero.
It is important to ensure your team can control two lanes in (Lane of dawn) when playing in Trios. Mastering these two paths can increase the winning percentage to 15%, from 50% to 65% or even 75%.
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Push Rank Mobile Legends 5 Players/Full Mabar in season 30

Why play with five players or play together (mabar)? Playing with friends who already understand each other can reduce the chances of running into random players who may be less skilled.
This is because we can choose a hero that suits our team's abilities or habits from the start, especially in terms of the roll hero role that will be played. However, playing in groups of five has its advantages and disadvantages.
The advantage is, if you are a former glory or Immortal in the previous season, playing in groups of five is highly recommended.
This is because you already understand well the gaps in the Epic rank level and the details regarding how to end the game quickly, facing opposing teams who use meta heroes, and how to make a comeback when the enemy makes a mistake. So, playing in groups of five this early in the season is a great idea.
However, the downside is that if you don't have chemistry with your group members, it will be difficult to keep up with strong teams, such as pro players, top global players, or former immortals who play in groups. This can be a problem if the team does not play efficiently together.
All of this depends on your own team. If you play well, it will be easier to face your opponent.
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Those are some important tips for playing Mobile Legends in season 30. When deciding whether you want to play solo, duo, trio, or play together (mabar) at the start of season 30, consider the strengths and weaknesses of each option.
All of this is very relevant in the struggle to reach the mythic tier rank or even the immortal mythic tier rank which many Mobile Legends players have always dreamed of.
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