The Meta in MLBB is Now Hard to Predict!

meta in mlbb

Aloha Vicigers! Of course, online game lovers are familiar with the term Meta in MLBB, right? Meta is a method or strategy or method used to win matches in online game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB).

Meta itself is an abbreviation of Most Effective Tactics Available. In games others like FPS or Battle Royale, Meta is also interpreted as a strategy or action that is carried out differently than usual.

In short, Meta can be interpreted as changes that are intentionally made by game developers after an update with the release patches new. In game online game MLBB or MOBA, some heroes are also considered Meta.

As you all know, the Meta in MLBB is always changing. The meta in MLBB will usually change over time patches new isn't it? So, this is important for you to know heroes those who are OP but haven't entered Meta yet, because if it's been often then heroes it will often be on pick or tire.  

That's usually a lot of MLBB players who can control or counters heroes the. If you already know there is heroes OPs in patches that month but it's not in the meta market yet, then you can spam heroes to get ranking point a lot.

When heroes it's already the OP and so favorite in a Meta in MLBB, you can exploit it heroes it and keep looking heroes The most recent OPs. This can make it easier for you to win matches in MLBB.

Currently, Meta in MLBB is difficult to predict, that's because everyone has different thoughts. Automatic gameplay someone in play games is also different, and from gameplay that's what affects the Meta in the MLBB

This is also due to keep the competition fair between MLBB players. You can play with Meta in the new MLBB after rank reset and will make it easier for players when playing games MLBB.

The Most Popular Meta in MLBB

There are several Metas in MLBB which are popular and often used by MLBB players, even these Metas are strong enough to be used in something matches. here are some Meta in MLBB.

Meta Hyper Carry

This meta is one of the most popular metas and is often used by players Pro MLBB during major tournaments in MLBB. This meta will allow 1 heroes take 2 buff, and the advantages of Meta Hyper Carry is core heroes will get a lot gold.

If you use Meta Hyper Carry, then the chance to win the match will be even faster. However, this Meta is very at risk of losing if core heroes the chosen one turns out that the opponent also uses the same Meta.

Meta Two Cores

Meta Two Cores it uses 2 core heroes direct. Meta Two Cores This is the first Meta made in MLBB online game play. Two Hero Cores are Assassin heroes and Marksman.

Pros of Meta Two Cores is very strong at the end games, especially when there is war, This meta has a very strong defense and has the potential to win the match. The weakness of this Meta is that it is weak at the start games because of the amount jungle divided by two.

Meta Diggie Feeders

Next up is Meta Diggie Feeders, This meta is the most recent meta in online game MLBB. This meta is starting to get crowded and much discussed when it is used by the team E-sports when there is an MLBB tournament.

Meta Diggie Feeders can sacrifice heroes diggie Becomes feeders. This makes teammates rich, create core heroes the enemy becomes poor and can also disrupt the rotation of the enemy.

The advantage of this Meta is that it can create core heroes become a team that gets rich quick, can make the team safe when farming because Diggie this open map. The drawback is that this Meta fails when the enemy uses Meta Two Cores and Hyper Carry Aldous.

Meta 4 Items Roam

Meta 4 Items Roam

Meta 4 Item Roam is a Meta that you can use when push rank. This meta is also effective in making the core heroes rich. This meta is widely used by the pro player when there is a big tournament in MLBB. This meta requires 4 heroes the team uses Items Roams.

The advantage of this Meta is creating core heroes get rich quick team, This meta is also easy to use without the need skills special.

The downside is creating heroes accompanying core heroes be poor but don't worry cause you will get extra gold when get skills and skills passive.

Meta 1-3-1

This meta is auto bars! You can use this meta when push rank with a 1-3-1 formation, with this Meta it suits those of you who like to play riotously. The 1-3-1 formation is placing 1 hero in offlaner, 3 heroes midlaner and 1 hero botlaner.

The advantage of this Meta is that it provides an interesting experience to core heroes and easy to win the game. The downside is that this Meta won't run smoothly if bot heroes and offlaner failed to keep turret.

So, that's some information that the writer can convey. You can use Meta according to your individual tastes. Keep the spirit!

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