10 Facts about Jin Kazama, Heir to Demon Blood in Tekken!

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For you fans Tekken, of course you already know the character named Jin Kazama. Tekken Characters This one turns out to have several facts that are quite unique in the eyes of its fans.

The reason is, this character is said to have devil blood inherited from his parents.

So, in this article we will discuss Jin Kazama, mainly discussing the facts. Check out the following, OK?

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A Glimpse into Jin Kazama

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(Source: Bandai Namco Entertainment/Youtube)

As we know, the 8th Tekken series will be released in early 2024.

Several characters have been announced via Bandai Namco Entertainment's official YouTube Channel.

One of the most awaited characters is Jin Kazama, this character has always been a favorite of Tekken fans.

Jin Kazama is the son of the characters Kazuya Mishima and Jun Kazama in Tekken and one of the protagonists who has the advantage of quite impressive martial arts.

He played quite a role in Tekken 3, for example he destroyed an Ogre to avenge his mother who had been betrayed by Heihachi Mishima.

However, Heihachi Mishima had a story journey with Ogre, where he used his blood to achieve demonic evolution through the demonic gene in his DNA.

Meanwhile, Kazuya Mishima and Jin Kazama, who have demon genes passed down from their family, can turn into scary demons.

After his grandfather's betrayal, he transformed into a demon and defeated Heihachi Mishima.

He also makes himself change into Devil Form in certain situations. This is called the "Devil Jin", its appearance and strength change drastically.

Despite his demonic genes, he has been fighting all his life and has been taught by his mother Jun Kazama in controlling and maintaining control.

In the Tekken series, he does things he thinks are good. Not infrequently, he is careless and causes him to get into trouble.

Also read: Tekken 8 Releases Leroy Smith and Asuka Kazama Gameplay Trailer

10 Interesting Facts about Jin Kazama

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(Source: Bandai Namco Entertainment/Youtube)

For those of you who want to know more about Jin Kazama, here are the facts, namely as follows:

Son of Kazuya Mishima and Jun Kazama

For those of you who don't know, it turns out that Jin is the son of Kazuya Mishima and Jun Kazama.

Even though there are often heated conflicts in their family, it cannot be denied that they have created a tough, intelligent and strong child like Jin.

It is lucky that Jin was born into this family.

Only child

Jin Kazama is the only child of his parents. He has a responsibility to continue the lineage in his family.

Has the Devil Gene in Him

It was previously mentioned that he has demon blood in his family.

Well, he has the "Devil Gene" passed down by his father, Kazuya Mishima.

With these genes, he is able to have extraordinary strength and abilities. However, this is also a weakness when facing bad people.

Have Different Memories

One of the most interesting things about Jin Kazama is a memory that comes from his Devil Gene.

Sometimes at one point, Jin and Devil Jin don't share memories because they have different memories from each other.

Cruel and Dangerous

It turns out that if Jin Kazama turns into Devil Jin, he will turn into a cruel and very dangerous devil.

Devil Jin really enjoys seeing other people's suffering and he is known to be very strong and quite difficult to fight.

Devil Jin still has the ambition to gain the highest power in Tekken, you know!

Strong Rivalry

Unexpectedly, it turns out that his family is very disharmonious. Even though he has a good relationship with his mother, he has a bad relationship with his father, you know.

Kazuya Mishima always tries to manipulate Jin, even trying to kill his own child.

This often happens when Kazuya Mishima sees Jin Kazama as a big threat to his power.

According to Kazuya, Jin is his biggest rivalry and drives Jin to become evil and break family ties.

An Ambidextrous

Apart from being an extraordinary fighter, Jin is also an Ambidextrpus. Where he is able to use both hands optimally.

Jin Kazama has movements with his left hand such as Thrusting Upper Cut.

G Company's enemy

This character is the enemy of G Company who caused his mother to die.

He had to take revenge by leading an attack on G Company because of this.

Even though his initial goal was only revenge, he also tried to save the world from the crimes of G Company.

Devil Jin Influences His Life

Jin Kazama's Devil Jin is the devil half of Kazuya Mishima. Well, Devil Jin has quite a significant influence on Jin Kazama's survival.

Mastering Three Types of Martial Arts

It was mentioned that he has quite impressive martial arts abilities. Jin studied Kazama-Style Martial Arts, Mishima-ryu Karate and Traditional Karate.

Kazama-Style Martial Arts taught by his mother, Jun Kazama. While under the tutelage of Heihachi Mishima, he studied Mishima-ryu Karate. Then, he studied Traditional Karate while he was hiding in Brisbane.

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