Here Are the Sickest Heroes in Mobile Legends and Most Frequently Banned in 2021!

The Most Sick Hero in Mobile Legends and Often Gets Banned
Hero illustration in Mobile Legends.

players Mobile Legends Surely you already know some of the sickest heroes in Mobile Legends who often get banned in 2021. So who are these heroes?

At first, there have been dozens of heroes in Mobile Legends to date. However, there are only a few that can be used and can enter meta in every season of Mobile Legends.

The hero most often used by players is the fighter hero. Of all the existing heroes, some of them are often banned by other players because they are too OP.

For this reason, we have summarized some of the sickest heroes in Mobile Legends and have often been banned throughout 2021. Who do you want to know? Check out the full review below.

List of Mobile Legends Sick Heroes


The first sick hero in Mobile Legends is Ruby. The CC skill of this one hero is very troublesome for other heroes. Not surprisingly, a number of players often fight over this hero to use. Lifestyle Ruby is also very high compared to other heroes.

Ruby is very agile and difficult to be conquered by enemy heroes. Ruby's Passive Skill is able to make her blink every time she takes out all of her skills. Lets Dance is a passive skill and makes Ruby difficult to kill, let alone lock.


If you are looking for the sickest hero in Mobile Legends at the moment, the answer is Paquito. The most OP hero fighter and is often a bone of contention for players to use.

The damage dealt to the enemy is enormous, especially if you use skill 2 from Paquito. Paquito has a CC that really annoys other players, so many players often ban this one hero.

Apart from having great damage, Paquito's shield is very thick. So that the damage given by the enemy cannot kill him immediately.

Many players are annoyed with Paquito because of the shield he has. Even up to two heroes are unable to paralyze him.


Even though Phoveus has few build items, many players are afraid of facing Phoveus. One of the reasons is that the damage dealt to the enemy is very large.

Phoveus can kill enemies using just one skill. This hero is also included in the list of heroes that are often banned by other players. 

You could say Phoveus is the most painful hero in Mobile Legends for the fighter type. The agility of Phoveus makes enemy players often get carried away with emotions because of this. Because of this, Phoveus is often banned when playing ranking mode in Mobile Legends.


Chou is also one of the heroes that is still often used today, even though other players often get banned. The mobility provided by Chou is very good and the damage to the enemy is still very good. Until now, Chou is still one of the sickest heroes in Mobile Legends and is worth using.

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For fighter user players, they must have often used this one hero. When you play at a high rank, surely you will meet players who use Chou as a team fighter. It is suitable for use with those who like to play bars.

Lapu Lapu

Not only Chou, Lapu Lapu is also the sickest hero in Mobile Legends which is still often used by players even though he has often been banned.

The passive skill of Lapu Lapu is very painful and has enormous damage. If you are a beginner and want to get the sickest hero in Mobile Legends, Lapu Lapu is still worth using. 

For Vicigers friends who don't know, this hero is a national hero from the Philippines who succeeded in expelling the Dutch colonialists. As a national hero, Lapu Lapu has finally succeeded in becoming the sickest hero in Mobile Legends.

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Actually, there is one more hero in Mobile Legends who is a mage, she is Eudora. This hero often makes enemy heroes difficult because of his very agile skills. As a result, some players often get emotional and ban Eudora.

So, that's information about some of the sickest heroes in Mobile Legends that are most often banned by other players.

Actually, there are lots of sick heroes in Mobile Legends, but the list that we provide above is indeed very OP. Not surprisingly, they are often banned by enemy players. So, Vicigers friends, which one have you used?

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