Karina's Strongest Counter Hero in Mobile Legends 2022

Karina's Counter Hero is Barats. Where you can make him useless when dealing with Barats in Mobile Legends.
Karina's Build Items

Karina is very disturbing in the Land Of Dawn, but there are five heroes Mobile Legends which can make him useless in the game. Here are the strongest Karina counter heroes in 2022!

The presence of Karina Tank makes many players more nervous. Everything is because of the high aura used by this hero in MPL season 8.

This is a somewhat external reason when he goes to the hero in the construction tank, but the damage still hurts a lot. In a way, the construction for Karina is almost perfect. Apart from the huge damage, the level of defense is also high.

The problem is in ML games, there are many heroes who can destroy Karina's power in the game. Of the many Land Of Dawn heroes, we have 5 of the strongest counter Karina heroes that you can use.

List of Hero Counter Karina MLBB


Counter Hero Karina

The first Karina counter hero on our list is Lunox. If durability is still considered ineffective, use a hero who suffers explosion damage such as Lunox.

Through his last skill, Lunox can kill him even though he has the Atenea Shield. Keep in mind that Lunox's damage level is based on the enemy's HP, therefore, Lunox is very effective against him with construction tanks.

Apart from that, there is an ultimate skill that can make Lunox immune to all types of attacks. If you have lost a higher level, you must be smart to use the power of Lunox to deal with it. Especially for the latter, you can make him move with this hero.

X Borg

Counter Hero Karina

Basically, X Borg is a pretty strong MLBB hero. His DPS attacks can drain enemy blood on a large scale.

To fight Karina's tank, you can build X.Borg with Athens Shield or Immortality. These two items can make him fight to conquer x.borg when he is continuously damaged.

The point is when using X borg, don't hesitate to activate the newest one when the indicator is full. Because he is an assassin's minimum mobility, you can't reach Lancelot or Ling. So it's quite easy for X borg to kill him with his skill combo.


Counter Hero Karina

Karina's next counter hero is Barats. If you want a hero that hurts, then you can use Barats which can counteract all pain damage.

Meta Hyper Barats is very capable of fighting Karina thanks to her strong resistance and painful attacks. If it happened at any time, Barats' skill was much higher than his, which was only based on skill in a limited way.

Once swallowed and knocked against the wall, you're in for a punch and what you have to remember is that he's only immune from ranged and physical attacks. So his power is now very valid, if he were to face Barats.


Counter Hero Karina

The use of saber is actually almost the same as Kaja. Through the last combo, it will be very easy to find out. The combo is the same as usual, when the goal is seen, immediately activate the first skill and then press Ultimate.

Because the completion can use battle spells executed so that his death becomes absolute.

Hide in the bushes is advised more than facing the fight. If you play this way you will die because of passive and the skill line is very painful for thin heroes like Saber.

The mandatory item that you have to buy when dealing with him is a heptaoase sheet or you can also use Malefic Roar.

Also read: cThe Strongest Kaja Counter Hero in Mobile Legends 2022


Counter Hero Karina

Karina's last counter hero is Kaja. Assassins who don't have high immunity or run away are undoubtedly Kaja's food.

Flicker Ultimate Plus Combo is guaranteed to make the tank die easily. Towards the middle of the game, if you use Kaja, should diligently join the equipment film and block it. The problem is that the power surge is in phase, so, in fact, it should focus on that.

Since he is a jungler, you can hide in the bushes where he is in the Lane to farm. But to do this, you must diligently verify the mini folder to know the duration of the monster buff appearance. That way, you can know when to turn around to give a gank.

Also read: Paquito's Strongest Counter Hero in Mobile Legends 2022

Those were the five recommendations for Karina's strongest counter heroes in Mobile Legends 2022. Using the heroes above will make it easier for you to deal with her.

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