Can Healing and Shooting in Water? Check out these Best 3 Info!

healing and shooting in the water

Aloha Vicigers! Skill healing and shooting in the water is a must that must be mastered by friends gamers all in games Player Unknown's Battleground aka PUBG. What, yeah?!

As one of the battle royale games which of course has many battle modes, which since 2017 have greeted the Indonesian people, especially para fellow gamers, now more and more favored by various walks of life and various ages and even across continents.

Games a million people, provide a different experience to friends gamers in the face of battle against enemies in various fields even in water.

Water is a vulnerable field in the PUBG game Mobile. Buddy gamers required to be thorough and careful in estimating what actions to take when dealing with enemies in waters, for example in rivers.

Will mate gamers choose to face the enemy head-on with the risk of being ready to be hit by enemy fire, or choose to avoid enemies by diving into the water?

When buddy gamers choosing the second action, then you need to pay attention to the size of your breath limit gamers. If you run out of breath while diving, you will die in the water.

When Can We Do Heal and Shooting in the Water?

For buddy gamers PUBG lovers Mobile, of course, already familiar with the term heal or healing. healing is a process that can friends gamers do to return health points to 100 percent.

Health point is the life that belongs to everyone player PUBG Mobile as long as they play with a maximum capacity of 100 points or percent.

While playing in mode duo or squad, player will experience knock if health point finished and player could die immediately if health point exhausted while playing solo.

Hence the process healing urgently needed to return health pointplayer. In the process healing Some supporting tools are needed bandages, first aid, and medkit.

Each of these tools has its own level of success. Tools that have percentage returns health points lowest below 75 percent ie bandages, followed first aid which can be returned health points up to 75 percent.

Whereas medkit be a tool for recovery health points buddy gamers up to 100 percent. The process of returning processes can be carried out in various conditions such as when walking or running, as well as by shooting.

But it's more than that, as revealed by PUBG Mobile Indonesia that my friends gamers You can also do it while in the water, especially when you are being chased by enemies.

As for expertise healing and shooting in the water is much needed especially when reaching late game, where the competition between players will heat up to kill each other.

Anything Can Be Done Player in the Water Instead of Shooting?

Apart from doing healing and shoot in the water, fellow gamers can swim to cross the river to avoid enemy attacks.

Be sure fellow gamers always cross underwater, so the enemy can't see and attack you and pay attention first area around and make sure it's safe when you want to go back up to the mainland.

But remember, don't be in the water for too long because friends gamers could drown if out of breath.

How Position Player the good one?

Position player good while doing healing and shooting in the water i.e. being on top of a sunken car. Under these conditions player it is enough to drive a car and submerge it in the water.

Next, climb on top of the sinking car, then feature to healing and shooting will be active.

Activity healing maybe it will be easy buddy gamers do it because you can do these activities as usual.

But to be able to shoot properly, you have to point your screen up to be able to see enemies on the ground.

However, you can only see and shoot enemies if they are on the edge of the land, not if they are on land far from the river mouth.
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