Tips and How to Beat Godfrey Elden Ring

godfrey elden ring tips how to defeat

Godfrey Elden Ring is one of the main bosses that you have to fight to complete the main story of the game released by FromSoftware this.

The game that won the title of best game in 2022 yesterday is famous for its difficult bosses and brutal attacks like the Dark Souls game in general.

Have you succeeded against this first Elden Lord? Read the next article to find out more about the Godfrey Elden Ring along with tips on defeating it.

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godfrey elden ring identity lore
Godfrey (source: Elden Ring)

Godfrey was the first Elden Lord before this title was taken by the Tarnished.

The first companion of Queen Marika previously held the title of Hoarah Loux Warrior before marrying the Queen of the lands Between.

Hoarah Loux itself is a title given to tribal chiefs from the barren lands and warriors thirsty for war like Godfrey. 

Godfrey took the Beast Regent Serosh or lion spirit on his back after performing his role as a Lord to strengthen himself against the will of his original brutal attitude.

Queen Marika personally chose Godfrey as a companion or husband. They had children namely: Godwyn the Golden, Morgott the Omen King, and Mohg Lord of Blood.

But alas after fighting countless wars in Erdtree, Queen Marika instead robbed Grace from him and his soldiers. 

Thus, Godfrey and the soldiers became the Tarnished that history had ever seen.

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Godfrey's location

leyndell city of ash
Leyndell. City of Ash (source: Elden Ring)

How to find Godfrey's location depends on which version you want to fight. It is known that Godfrey has 2 versions namely Golden Shade and Godfrey, the First Elden Lord.

You can find both bosses in Leyndell. This city is located in the Royal Capital section of the game map.

You have to go to the East Rampant section to start. Keep going until you find Avenue Balcony. You continue on your way to the West Rampant section and find Leyndell.

To find the location of the original Godfrey, before that you have to fight another boss namely Maliketh, the Black Blade which is located in the Dragon Altar.

When you have successfully defeated Maliketh and have fought almost all the mandatory bosses (almost at the end of the game's progress), you will be teleported to another part of Leyndell, City of Ash.  

You have to walk straight towards the building until you find an elevator. From there, you have to fight another boss, namely Sir Gideon Ofnier, the All-Knowing.

Next you have to continue the journey to Erdtree Sanctuary. Climb up the tree on the edge of the location to the Queen's Bedchamber.

From the Queen's bedchamber you will find a grand staircase that leads directly to the arena location of Godfrey, the First Elden Lord.

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Tips to Beat Godfrey Elden Ring

You must defeat Godfrey because this boss is one of the conditions for opening the way to Erdtree and completing the Elden Ring game.

You will fight the spirit version of Godfrey first with the name "Golden Shade" when you go to Leyndell.

The attack pattern when the spirit version is similar to the first phase of the original form so you can compare the method to defeat the Golden Shade with the first phase.

Fighting the Godfrey boss will go through 2 phases. The first phase is in the form of "Godfrey, First Elden Lord" and the second phase is in the form of "Hoarah Loux Warrior" which has a different attack pattern.

Total HP owned is 21,903, DEF 120, and Stance 120 for the total of the two phases. 

First Phase or Golden Stance Version

godfrey elden ring first cutscene
First Phase Cutscene (source: VCGamers)

The pattern of the first phase of Godfrey's attack is actually quite easy to read for one of the late game bosses that you will fight in Elden Ring.

Godfrey's attacks are slow and repeat the same pattern so fighting this boss isn't difficult.

However, every blow of the ax really eats up HP, especially with attacks that have a large AoE that have the possibility to kill your character in one hit.

We recommend positioning your character as close to Godfrey and as much as possible against the direction of Godfrey's ax swing. 

That way, it will be easier for you to avoid an ax attack by jumping or rolling which is used faster and doesn't eat up the character's stamina too much.

When Godfrey's HP starts to drop to around 15%, you can notice the movement of the ax and the stomp of Godfrey's feet.

The kick Godfrey produced on lowering his foot would usually send the attack moving in a cone in front of him. At times like this it is highly recommended to stay away or jump.

A new AoE attack will be generated when Godfrey Elden Ring's HP drops from 20%-25%. Godfrey will raise the ax and spin the ax 3 times to strengthen his attack.

Godfrey would stand away before delivering this attack. In addition, a red aura will also envelop Godfrey and the area as long as this buff is active. This AoE attack will cover the entire arena so as much as possible you can avoid it by jumping.

If you use build ranged or magic (not melee) to use an attack that can trigger Frostbite considering Godfrey's small Resistance will be effective with this attack.

After Godfrey's HP drops to 50% HP, a cutscene will appear indicating the change of the first and second phases to Hoarah Loux Warrior.

Second Phase

hoarah loux warrior cutscene
Godfrey's Second Phase (source: VCGamers)

As Hoarah Loux, Godfrey would not use an ax and attack with his bare hands.

This attack is very fast and very deadly, especially if you are caught in Godfrey's grip.

Once grabbed, you will be thrown into the air and slammed hard to the ground.

One of the main ways to fight this second phase is to escape its clutches. Or you can outsmart it by using good armor and shields to withstand attack effects.

We recommend that you dodge attacks to jump attacks with a large AoE. After that, you can only attack with an attack scheme similar to the first attack.

Luckily Hoarah Loux's second phase won't recharge Godfrey's HP unlike some Elden Ring boss others like Rena.

So, you only need to maximize your attacks to spend Godfrey's HP from the first phase. 

Also read: Complete Guide to Converted Fringe Tower Elden Ring, Check Here!

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