Here's How to Counter Grenade META in Free Fire!

FF grenade meta

Hola Vicigers! Garena Free Fire has many META that can be used by the players. Players can also use strategies by using deadly grenade META.

Most Effective Tactic Available (META) is an effective strategy that can be used in games Free Fire. There are many META that para player one of them is META grenades.

By using META grenades, players can kill and destroy enemy defenses. In this strategy, players must bring and collect as many grenades as possible.

Grenades are instant killer, the explosion generated from this item will give damage which is big for very large areas as well. In an instant, everyone in the area of the grenade explosion will die.

This grenade is also suitable for combination with overpowered skills (OP). The example is skills which is owned by Alvaro namely Art of Demolition, this is what causes this grenade META strategy sometimes known as META alvaro.

Usually this META grenade is combined with skills Alvaro's Art of Demolition. By combining them can increase points damage and range from this grenade. This skill can increase up to 20% damage point.

skills Helping Hand from pet Beaston is also able to increase the range of throwing grenades so that the strategy you use is even more lethal.

There are a few things to watch out for when using grenades in this grenade META strategy. Among them are you have to know with certainty where the enemy is, guess the enemy's way forward accurately when you want to fight at close range, throw grenades at the right time, use features cooking grenades so that the grenade immediately explodes near your opponent.

Feature cooking grenades this is a feature where player can hold a grenade for a while before throwing it. The aim of this feature is for the grenade to explode immediately upon landing on the target and give the enemy no chance to run.

Under certain conditions, the grenader must refrain from slaughtering the enemy with grenades. However, it often happens miss communication between teammates, whether it doesn't provide assistance and also doesn't protect the grenader.

Communication between grenades and teammates is also important, because if you don't build good communication, grenades will throw grenades at random and will not produce results.

Grenade META can be combined with characters that can play both offensive and defensive like META wukong and META chrono. This makes the grenade META strategy a flexible one.

Wukong is a unique META because skills from this character can disguise himself as grass. This META is suitable for those of you who like different strategies. Uniquely again, time for cooldown from skills this willreset if wukong managed to kill his opponent.

Chrono is also a META character because it has skills Time Turner however, in April 2021, this character experiences nerf all out which makes the Movement Speed of Chrono on par with DJ Alok.

Don't worry, this strategy can also be used counters lol, here's how to do itcounters grenadiers.

Steal Grenade Throwing Start

You can throw the grenade before the enemy to make him panic and avoid throwing the grenade at us because he has lost focus and he will try to protect himself.

Interrupt Enemy Movement

When you are dealing with an enemy, we don't stand still waiting for the enemy to make a move. However, you have to interfere with our opponent's movements so that he loses the opportunity to use his grenade.

You can do too sandwich with other team members to beat the grenade.

Slaughter the Opposing Team First

The last way is that you can go straight ahead to finish off the enemy team. If the situation is desperate like this, it is guaranteed that the enemy team will not think about using this grenade META strategy.

By going head-to-head against the enemy, the battle will take a short time and avoid having other teams interfere.

Well, the above is an overall explanation of how counters grenade META strategy, so you don't have to be afraid to fight against teams that use this strategy.

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