DJ Alok Vs Clu: Which is Better for Strategic Gameplay in Free Fire?

Free Fire DJ Alok Vs Clu

Which is better for strategic gameplay in Free Fire? Is DJ Alok or Clu. So, in this post, we will talk about DJ Alok vs Clu's skills Free Fire.

Strategy is the key to victory in Free Fire. Being able to outplay the opponent is 50 percent of the job done. While guns are invaluable for success, battles can sometimes be won by firing just a few shots.

However, strategy is not just war. Strategy is also related to the character skills used. Knowing which one to use during a game is very important. The two most strategic characters are DJ Alok and Clu.

Their skills can open up many tactical options for players in Free Fire. One offers instant healing and a speed boost, while the other can detect nearby enemies and reveal enemy positions. Which is better between DJ Alok and Clu? Read on to find out.

Comparison Between DJ Alok and Clu on Free Fire

DJ Alok's skills


All FF players must be very familiar with this character. DJ Alok's 'Drop the Beat' skill lets you recover your HP and gives you a speed boost. Teammates within 5 meters of aura will receive a 15 percent increase in movement speed and recover 5 HP/sec. The skill lasts for 10 seconds, followed by a cooldown of 45 seconds.

In terms of skills, DJ Alok is comparable to Chrono who is the most OP character in Free Fire. This character can also be used to rush enemies and defend. Not only saving yourself, but being able to save teammates in an emergency in battle.

Skill Clu

Free Fire Club

Clu's 'Tracing Steps' skill allows you to find nearby enemies. When activated, it can detect opponents who are not on their stomach or in a crouching position. This skill has an effective range of 70 meters and lasts for 7.5 seconds with a cooldown of 60 seconds.

DJ Alok In Battle

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In battle, DJ Alok's main role is support. Her skills allow the team to move faster and heal on the move. This skill is very important when pushing the enemy team or trying to escape.

In strategic gameplay at Free Fire, this skill is very useful for getting team wins. However, it is not suitable for those of you who have solo gameplay. DJ Alok is better at fighting in squad mode and not solo player mode.

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Clu In Battle

Free Fire Club

In battle, Clu's primary role is as a scout. Using his skills, enemies can be found easily. This skill allows you to plan your team's next move and prepare accordingly. If used correctly, you will never be ambushed by enemies in Free Fire.

Clu is very kind and checks the conditions and circumstances around for gameplay in Free Fire. If you use Clu well, you can dominate the map area in all squad matches against all opponents. Usually Clu is more suitable to be a sniper and not for close combat.


DJ Alok and Clu have very different skills in Free Fire. If used correctly, both have valuable strategic benefits in the Free Fire game.

However, when comparing its usefulness in battle, DJ Alok does have an advantage. Her skills to heal and provide movement push every 45 seconds are invaluable in battle. The skill can be used to keep the squad alive.

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That's the comparison between DJ Alok and Clu that you need to know about strategic gameplay in Free Fire. If you are still confused about choosing, try using both of them in Battle Royale directly, so you can try and experience it for yourself.

Basically, we have provided an analysis of the skills and combat abilities of the two in the Free Fire game. Just choose the character that you think suits your own gameplay.

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