Clan wars are an important part of Clan Wars Clash of Clans and help players compete as a team against other clans.
Each player gets two hits in clan wars where they can use any attack strategy.
However, defending a friendly base is just as important as attacking, so players have the option of asking their clan mates for troop donations. Unlike regular donations, clan war troop donations remain until the end of the war.
This article will discuss the 5 best troops for donations in Clan War Clash of Clans 2022.
List of the Best Troops For Clan War Clash of Clans
Lava Hounds

The Lava Hound is the troop with the highest hitpoints in Clan War Clash of Clans and is very effective in clan war defense as it can stop and distract enemy troops. Since this is a Dark Elixir troop, players can unlock it by upgrading the Dark Elixir Barracks to level 6.
When killed, the Lava Hound will explode, dealing minimal damage to the surrounding area while producing a large amount of Lava Pup which will continue to attack nearby enemies. This helps in thwarting enemy troops, especially ground troops such as Pekka, Golem, and Valkyrie.

When Dark Elixir Barracks is upgraded to level 5, which requires Town Hall level 9, the Witch, a Dark Elixir unit that breaks splashes in Home Village, will become available.
Due to the Witch's ability to summon Skeletons, which are excellent at blocking enemy troops, it is one of the best defensive units in Clan War Clash of Clans.
Defenses are easy to overwhelm by Witch Skeletons, especially single target defensive structures like Inferno Towers and Archer Towers. In the war clan castle, players have to donate Wizards with troops like Wizards, Valkyries, Dragons, Super Minions and many more.
In Clash of Clans, Dragons are one of the largest aerial Elixir troops and are very effective for eliminating powerful opposing troops such as Pekka, Electro Dragon, Lava Hound and others. By upgrading the Elixir Barracks to level 9, which requires Town Hall level 7, players can access Dragon troops.
This is one of the best defense troops to be supported by troops like Super Minion, Wizard, Minion, Balloon and others due to its high damage and hitpoints. They cannot be targeted by enemy ground troops, such as Valkyries, Pekka, and so on.
These super troops are enhanced versions of standard ones like Lava Hounds, Dragons and Minions. They do more damage per second, have more hitpoints, and consume more housing space.
When a Dragon reaches level 7, it can be upgraded to a Super Dragon. Boosting the Dragon costs 25,000 Dark Elixir or Super Potion, and it lasts for three days. The Super Dragon level is the same as the Dragon level.
Super Minions
By upgrading the Minion troop to level 8 or higher, players can unlock the Super Minion troop, which are supercharged upgrades from the Minions. It takes 25,000 Dark Elixir or Super Potion to upgrade minion, and the upgrade lasts for three days.
Super Minions are much larger Minions that attack by launching rockets from afar. The Long Shot feature allows him to fire his first five shots from a great distance.
Super Minion is one of the best war clan castle troop to easily fight Dragons, Super Dragons, Electro Dragons and others because of their high damage and special fire abilities.
Minions have been pushed to become Super Minions. You can unlock it by raising your Minions to level 8 or higher.
These are much larger Minions that attack by launching rockets from a distance. Due to his Far Shot ability, he can fire his first five shots from a great distance.
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Super Dragons
Dragons can be upgraded to Super Dragons once they reach level 7. A Super Potion or 25,000 Dark Elixir is required to upgrade a dragon for three days. Due to its high damage and hitpoints, it is one of the best clan castle troops for clan war contributions in Clan War Clash of Clans.
He attacks with bursts of fire which are effective enough to finish off enemy troops, especially ground troops. Each of its ten flame blasts damages the surrounding area and nearby buildings. To provide them with support, players must combine Super Dragons with the help of Balloons or Wizards.
When a Dragon reaches level 7, it can be upgraded to a Super Dragon, which is a fire-breathing dragon. The flame blast struck ten times.
Each of them deals damage to the surrounding area and destroys nearby structures. Players must reach Town Hall level 12 to upgrade and get a Super Dragon.
When it comes to War Clan Clash of Clans offensive strategy, players have many choices. They can combine troops, heroes, spells, pets and, most recently, Super Troops. Super Troops are enhanced versions of regular troops with unique abilities.
Players should use these Super Troops to provide a variety of attacks and improve offensive tactics as they have greater hitpoints and cause more damage every second.
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They are only available if the player's Town Hall has been upgraded to level 11. However, users can request Super Troops in the Clan Castle.