Best Hero Counter Edith Mobile Legends, Easy as Hands!

Item Counter Edith

Check out Edith's hero counter Mobile Legends best with us here. You can beat him as easy as turning your palm, bro!

Edith is the newest hero released in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. He made his debut right after the M3 World Championship, and has unique skills.

As the first tank-marksman dual hero in the Land of Dawn, Edith was hard to deal with in the laning phase and team fights.

Here are Edith's hero counters against her on the enemy team during the pick and ban phase.

Hero Counter Edith in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Mobile Legends has released lots of cool heroes and skins that you can play now. In fact, you can find 5 Hero Counter Edith Mobile Legends, it will make this Hero weak. He is quite strong, but if he gets hit by a Counter, he will become weak and will be defeated immediately.


Hero Counter Edith

First on the list as Edith's counter hero is the annoying marksman we all hate, Wanwan. What makes this marksman hero perfect against Edith is that he can cancel the Forsaken Warden initiation skill with Needles in Flowers.

Experienced Wanwan can also lure him to use his ultimate prematurely. After that happens, Wanwan can immediately activate the Crossbow of Tang to deal massive damage to the Forsaken Warden marksman form.

Having a unique basic attack animation, and a skill that can cancel any crowd control in her skill set, Benedetta plays a battle similar to Wanwan. He is a solid counter hero for Edith if you need a bruiser on your team, not another marksman.

Benedetta could dodge almost any skill Edith threw at her. Plus, he can go all-in for kills thanks to his ultimate, Alecto: Final Blow.


Edith counter hero

Karrie is another marksman who is good at fighting tank targets. What made him defend against Edith was his passive, Spinning Light Wheel, which dealt true damage.

Phantom Step, the dash skill, only has a three second cooldown at max level. Every time Karrie takes on a tank, it becomes an elaborate dance where both heroes have to be on their A-game every second.

He was very agile, and his damage output at later levels would easily melt him before he even started a fight. Karre must be the counter hero Edith that you can choose in the Land Of Dawn.


Edith counter hero

There won't be any heroes who can interfere with Martis, not even Edith, who you will fight later. Because Hero Martis' skill is able to provide a good attack effect, from Skill 1 which can slow down and slow down the enemy.

Then Skill 2 which will not be affected by Crowd Control at all, now Martis has an important point with this skill when fighting this hero.

Disturb him in a Robot state or not, so that later in war you can be superior and win. Then his Ultimate, can penetrate his HP very easily.

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Gatot Kaca

Edith counter hero

The last hero who turned out to be Edith's counter hero was Gatot Kaca, his skills really helped the team against Hero Edith. Whether it's Tank Phylax or Marksman mode, it's not a problem for Gatot, because he can provide a strong defense when dealing head-to-head with him later.

In fact, almost all of Gatot's skills are annoying, so they are perfect for you to use when countering him later. Ultimate Area and Skill 2 Provoke, then Skill 1 deals damage and if you are often hit by passive attacks, death blows continue to appear.

After knowing the 5 hero counters of Edith Mobile Legends, you don't need to be confused anymore when facing this hero. Because under any circumstances, he will definitely be weak in either Phylax or Tank Mode though.

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So, those are some of the best Edith counter heroes in Mobile Legends that you can pick. Fighting this new hero is a bit difficult compared to other heroes. So, sorting out who Edith's counter hero is something you have to think about.

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