Best 5 Ways to Easily Get a Headshot in Battle!

double headshot

Aloha Vicigers! This time we will discuss how to get a Headshot in PUBG (Player Unknown's Battleground) Mobile easily, let's see the info!

More than 40 million player worldwide access games battleground PUBG Mobile. Signifies battleground game this is being loved by many players.

With this amount they fight and compete to be the winner and get Winner Winner Chicken Dinner (WWCD). Of course, to be a winner and get this WWCD is not easy.

para player have a strategy and skills each one. Besides skills, they must also have knowledge of weapons, places, equipment, attachments and others to become a winner.

Player who plays individual, duo or squad must also have skills to shoot and aim at the opponent. If it is wrong, then the position of the plater is known by the opponent and can be used boomerang for those players.

In order to quicklyknock or killing an opponent is by aiming and shooting the opponent right in the head or often referred to by the term headshot. Of course, this is not easy to do, you need a variety of ways to be able to aim and shoot directly at this head.

Check out the following explanation so you can aim and shoot accurately and get a headshot!

Set settings

Player can arrange gameplay they are according to their comfort in playing. Like button layout, color crosshairs, and level sensitivity. The thing that might be very influential for aiming is the level sensitivity.

Level sensitivity this affects the camera when shooting properly using scope or without using scope.

In addition, level sensitivity this will affect how to play para player can use gyro or ADS. The difference is if gyro, player also move the device meanwhile ADS, player only use his fingers without moving device they.

Use fake that suits your gameplay so you can kill your opponent with headshot easily.

Choose attachments right

After choosing the right weapon, then the next is choosing attachments right. Usually attachments selected is attachments which can reduce recoil at the time of shooting.

In this battleground game very much attachments which can be selected. Generally for players who are new to playing this game it is recommended to use compensator attachments for muzzles and verticals or grips for foregrim attachments

Attachments the recommendations will have an effect on recoil of the weapons used. However, attachments this also adjusts to the weapon used.

Use the right weapon

As in the real world, the PUBG Mobile game also has many types of weapons. Where the use of each of these weapons is also different. Some are intended to shoot at close, medium or long distances.

Like if for close range, can use weapons SMG like UZI, UMP, Thompson, and vectors. For medium-range weapons, you can use guns AR like Scar-L, M416, AKM and weapons AR other.

Meanwhile, for long distances, you can use sniper-type weapons such as Kar98K, M24, AWM and other types of snipers which of course are supported by the use of large scopes such as x6 or x8.

Aim for a headshot with a scope

Just the name already headshot means player required to shoot right in the head in order to reduce damage very fast opponent. Therefore, when you already have a weapon and attachments nya, always try to crosshair is on top.

Or predict which enemy heads are around. This works so that when shooting at close, medium or long distances it can aim directly at the enemy's head and faster knock or die.

The use of this scope helps for medium and long range weapons such as M416 or Scar-L and snipers like Kar98K, M24, AWM and others.

Use scope it helps them headshot enemies who were a little further away from those wielding medium and ranged weapons.


In PUBG games Mobile this is provided training mode. This mode is used for para player practice their aiming and shooting skills.

Besides training mode, para player also can use classic mode to hone their skills by dealing with player others directly.

There are lots of things you can do to practice the PUBG game Mobile this if you are serious in the world esports.

Those are some ways to easily get headshots and kills in the PUBG Mobile game. What are you waiting for? Please log in to ingame and train yourself!

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