This season, there are lots of hero choices Mobile Legends which is currently meta. Several heroes have received significant improvements after receiving buffs in the latest patch. And makes him a hero who must be banned.
Some of these heroes have been changed in simple terms, such as Guinevere, who when performing skill 2 will immediately give an instant stun.
Apart from that, there is Balmon whose 2nd skill can now not be blocked by many cc, including ultimate Franco or ultimate Kaja.
Therefore, this time we will provide a list of heroes who must be banned this season, based on matchmaking in ranked mode. Listen to the explanation!
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It cannot be denied that Barats is now more overpowered than before. This is because Barats now has an ultimate that can pick off opposing heroes easily.
Barats will come forward and eat the opponent's hero for a few seconds and then spit it out in the specified direction.
Barats is now also suitable as a jungler because it will be easier for him to get his stack from the jungler rather than a minion or aiming at an opponent who may not necessarily be hit.
There's no need to doubt the damage at full stack, it will be very thick and have painful damage in the basic attack.
Also read: Alice Mobile Legends Season 31: Really OP Auto Banned!

Just like Barats, Balmond also became overpowered after being buffed by Monoton. Even though the damage to both skills has been reduced, both skills still cannot be cancelled.
This is what makes Balmond thick, because when his second skill continues to come into contact with the opponent, it will give him very strong regen.
Apart from that, Balmond is also very strong in the early days which makes him an easy hero to snowball.

Even though Nolan is not as OP as before. And Phoveus can still counter it. Still, this hero makes it difficult for you to fight him because he easily enters and exits war.
Apart from that, the high damage of the ultimate skill means that the Marksman or Mage on your team cannot move.
His short cooldown makes him an agile hero, besides his skills can also make him change positions in an instant making him difficult to catch.
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Apart from being very easy to use, Lunox also has terrible damage due to high magic penetration, so he is nicknamed the Tank Destroyer or many call him a Mage in the guise of a Marksman.
With the ultimate in yellow mode, you can be immune to all CC. Unlike Lunox, when you did your ultimate using purple, Lunox will need time to move his ultimate to yellow.

In this season, Alice is often banned because her anger is very strong. Generally, when your team already has NOD, Alice doesn't need to worry about heroes who rely on regen.
However, in this season, NOD alone is not enough to counter Alice. This is because now the more enemies he attacks, the stronger his rage will be.
Currently, Alice is able to be a tank for a team even if she is ganked. After that, when the enemy's skills are all in on Alice, it will be your team's turn to attack.
Also read: 8 Strongest Heroes in Mobile Legends Meta Season 31 2024
These are some of the overpowered heroes that you must ban this season.
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