5 Best Looting Places in PUBG To Push Rank Safely

PUBG drops

For friends of Vicigers who want to play it safe with the best looting places in PUBG. We have recommendations for the best looting places in PUBG and can be a reference for you to push rank PUBG.

PUBG Mobile is the most played battle royale game in Indonesia and around the world. Pushing ranks and climbing tiers and leaderboards is a common goal for every player who plays PUBG Mobile.

The new season of PUBG Mobile started a week ago, and players have started sweating on the battlefield to climb to the top of the leaderboard.

However, every PUBG player has a different approach to the game. Some players prefer to play aggressively, while some players prefer passive gameplay or play it safe.

The Best Looting Place in PUBG For Passive Players

For a safer play, you should drop in a location where you can avoid fights in the early stages of the match and get a decent amount of loot. Here are the best looting places in PUBG for playing safely or passively.

Water Town (Erangel)

PUBG Water Town (Erangel)

One of the most underrated drop locations in the Erangel map, Water Town is also a safe place with pretty good loot. It is located adjacent to Rozhok.

You will hardly face any opponents in this area. You can loot quietly and start your rotation when you are comfortable ready to fight. However, you need to be careful of several players coming from Erangel's direction. Because, usually there are players who run away to this Water Town (Erangel).

El Azahar (Miramar)

The Best Loot Locations in Miramar PUBG Mobile

Some of you might prefer to play on the Miramar map. For those of you who play on this map, El Azahar can be a good choice for landing and looting here.

You can get a decent amount of loot from this location. El Azahar is also located in the middle of the Miramar map, which makes zone rotation easier.

Village (Sanhok)


Sanhok is one of the smallest maps in PUBG Mobile. The Sanhok map has always been known for its intense combat, and almost nowhere is safe on this map.

However, Kampong is one of the rare areas in Sanhok, where you can expect fewer opponents in the early stages of the game.

If you are a player who likes to play sanhok and want to push rank safely, Kampong is the best choice. Kampong is the best looting place in PUBG that players rarely know about.

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Trevno (Vikendi)

PUBG Trevno (Vikendi)

Vikendi is an old map in PUBG Mobile. However, at PUBG Mobile, Vikendi is one of the PUBG Mobile maps that players in Indonesia rarely play. Vikendi is usually devoted to long survival missions.

Almost every PUBG player prefers to avoid early battles. Trevno in Vikendi is one of the best loot spots in PUBG, and you will get a good amount of loot. So you prepare yourself for the long term before facing the enemy.

Quarry (Erangel)


Quarry has always been the best looting place in PUBG which is in the Erangel map for those of you who want to play passively. You'll get a decent amount of loot and can prepare yourself to survive and fight in the late stages of the game.

If you are lucky, in this location you can get lots of good loot. Among them are the flare gun and AWM which are the rarest loot items to find. However, you have to be careful with players hiding behind rocks.

Also read: Tips for Pushing Rank Conqueror PUBG Mobile in Season C1S3

Above are some of the best looting spots in PUBG Mobile. All maps in PUBG Mobile certainly have the best and hidden places that are rarely known by other players.

You can safely push rank in the best looting places in PUBG that we have recommended above.

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