3 Recon Bolt Sova Lineups in Valorant's Split Map!

Hello Vicigers, in this article we will discuss the Recon Bolt Sova lineup in the Split Valorant map for attackers.

This guide shows Recon Bolt Sova's 3 lineups in the Split Valorant map. This lineup will help you use this powerful ability to its full potential in attack.

Sova's Recon Bolt ability can be used in many effective ways, and outside of the Sova toolkit, has the most potential to impact gameplay. A well-placed Recon Bolt Sova can allow your team to take aggressive plays, as well as have the ability to gain valuable information to help with team rotation. It is also a very useful tool for reclaiming spike locations.

The first lineup in this guide will place Recon Bolt over site A, this will detect Heaven and most of the sites. The second lineup will help you control Middle by placing Recon Bolt in the Mail Room. The third lineup will feature enemy players behind site B, as well as any players on the Rafters.

Recon Bolt Sova Capabilities:

  • Description: “Complete the arc with Recon Bolt. Shot to send a bow in front of the enemy to locate the enemy position detected by the Recon Bolt. Enemies can destroy this bow. Hold down the fire button to extend the bow's range. Alternate Fire to add up to two bounces to this arrow.”
  • Type: Signature
  • Cost: Free

Bolt Sova's Recon Lineup in Valorant's Split Map!

Site A Assault

3 Recon Bolt Sova Lineups in Valorant's Split Map!

To do this lineup, you must position yourself on the bench as shown above. From here you need to place your crosshair directly above and to the left of the green tree, which is highlighted by the blue circle. You then fill in the shot with the bounce set to one.

The Recon Bolt landed high, behind a crown-shaped sign. Enemy players on the site will not be able to see the Recon Bolt when they land, but this Recon Bolt will detect their position. This will catch most of the enemy players at site A, as well as players at Heaven.

Mid Site Assault

3 Recon Bolt Sova Lineups in Valorant's Split Map!

With your back towards the corner of the wooden room on the right of the Mid site, you need to place your crosshair as shown above. From there you have to fully load your shot and set the bounce to two.

This Recon Bolt will reveal any enemy players who try to take an aggressive play from the Mail Room. While it may be easy for the enemy team to destroy, it will allow you to control the Central area. Even being able to hear where enemy players are firing Recon Bolts is valuable information when taking control of the map.

Site B Assault

3 Recon Bolt Sova Lineups in Valorant's Split Map!

From outside the lobby B area you have to face the barrels as shown above. You can then position the tip of your arrow between the two lighter areas of the building to get the perfect blend. From this position you need to fill your shot to the third bar, with the bounce set to zero.

This lineup can be used as part of a full execution to site B of the Valorant Split map. When your team enters Valorant Split B site, this Recon Bolt will reveal most of the positions that will be played by enemy players. This will give your team a huge advantage when they enter the site.

For anyone playing Sova as one of their main agents, it's always good to know as much of the Recon Bolt lineup as possible, both for offense and defense. Before you use it in ranked games, it's a good idea to practice it once or twice in private matches. This will also help you remember it when you enter ranked battles

So, those were some tips and tricks for doing the Bolt Sova recon lineup like a pro player on the Split Valorant map. You can follow the playing style of the pro players, but if you can find a more effective way, then you can use your own way to do the lineup. Recon Bolt in this SPlit Valorant map.

Lots of players Valorant who follows the playing style of his favorite pro player but doesn't find comfort in in-game because the way the pro players play and the players who follow it are different.

Also read: WOW! Here Are the Player Wishlist What To Accomplish in Valorant In 2021!

Maybe this time the discussion of the article will end here and don't miss the updated news about Valorant and other games, only at VCGamers.com

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