How to Buy $VCG Token on Pancakeswap

How to buy VCG Tokens on Pancakeswap will help you when you want to buy crypto assets from VCGamers.
$VCG Token on Pancakeswap okay
Pancakeswap does not use intermediaries

This article will review how to buy $VCG tokens. This follows the high enthusiasm of global and local investors with $VCG Token.

The $VCG token is in great demand by investors because 35 million tokens were sold within 6 hours during the pre-sale some time ago.

There are a number of things you have to do to buy $VCG Token. You can try this method right now to get VCG tokens.

In the following, we will tell you how to buy VCG Tokens on Pancakeswap.

Also read: Selling Well, 35 Million VCG Tokens Sold Out in 6 Hours

How to Buy $VCG Token on Pancakeswap

This time we would like to share a number of ways to buy $VCG Token. Check out this review to find out how to buy VCG Tokens on Pancakeswap.

Download the Digital Asset Seller and Buyer Liaison Application

 How to Buy $VCG Token on Pancakeswap

Download a connecting application that brings sellers and buyers of digital assets together (such as Indodax or Tokocrypto).

  • Go to PlayStore or AppStore
  • Select the App you want
  • Download the application
  • Register
  • Fill in the personal data fields, name, email address, cellphone number, password and nationality
  • Read the Terms and Conditions and Trading Risks
  • Choose register now
  • Enter the email you used to register to check the activation email.
  • Select Account Activation
  • Your account can already be used
  • Choose a deposit and top up your balance
  • Buy BNB or Binance Coin in the app using the balance you have.
Also read: $VCG VCGamers Crypto Token Officially Launched, Check Out the Complete Info!

Download TrustWallet

Trust Wallet

You can continue this step bydownloads Trust Wallet. Here's how:

  • Open Playstore or AppStore
  • Download Trustwallet
  • Create A New Wallet
  • Read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service
  • If so, select I've read and accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy then select Continue
  • Enter Password and Re-enter Your Password
  • Back up your wallet now!
  • Select "I understand that if I lose my recovery word, I will not be able to access my wallet"
  • You will get a Recovery Phrase.
  • Then select copies.
  • After that select continue
  • Verify recovery phrases
  • If so, select Done
  • Then, Trust Wallet can be used

After you already have a Trust Wallet account, you can move the BNB you have at Indodax or Tokocrypto to Trust Wallet.

Also read: How to Join the $VCG Token Community, Very Easy!

Purchased $VCG Token on Pancakeswap

After completing registering in the two applications, you can start buying $VCG Token. Here's how to buy $VCG Token on Pancakeswap:

  1. Go to the official page
  2. Select Buy on Pancakes
  3. Determine the number of tokens you want to buy on Pancakeswap.
  4. Connect Wallet with your wallet (Trust Wallet, Metamask, WalletConnect)
  5. Select the Add Custom Token menu in Trust Wallet.
  6. Change your network to Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
  7. Copy the Contract Address on the official page
  8. Enter Contract Address: 0x1F36FB2D91d9951Cf58aE4c1956C0b77e224F1E9
  9. Select Done

Crypto article by PINTU

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