Playing Using Flanker Strategy? Just use Laura's character!

Flanker Strategy using Laura

What's that Flankers Strategy?

Aloha Vicigers! Free Fire (FF) presents several characters that support the game battle royale. There are several characters in games let's call them Hayato, Joseph, A124, Kla, Moco, Kelly, Rafael, Andrew, Olivia, Shirou, Clu, and Laura. Each character certainly has roles in games this. 

In Free Fire games known terms Flankers which means cheater. A Flankers has a duty to outwit his opponents. Strategy Flankers this is especially useful when done in game mode squad.

Flankers serves to confuse the opponent, especially regarding the direction of the attack carried out when fighting against the enemy.  Flankers also has a function as a provider of information regarding the opponent's position to his other teammates.

Besides that, Flankers the role of finding and giving gaps to his teammates to attack opponents. Lastly, one Flankers has the task of finding the whereabouts of the enemy whether they are those who are hiding or defending in the building.

With the weight of the role of a Flankers of course it must be balanced with skills qualified. There are two skills that must be possessed by a person Flankers the first, one Flankers must have expertise scope aim who is quick to devise a plan of attack on the enemy and high sensitivity to the surrounding environment.

In order to be able to make the right and quick decisions if one of your teammates suddenly gets an attack from your opponent. 

Three strategies Flankers that can be applied is strategy flanks right, flanks left, and flanks rotation. Strategy flanks the right can be done with a half turn movement, then enter the middle of the opponent through the right side. as well as with flanks left, it's just that the movement is done through the left side.

Strategy flanks right and also left give advantages to player in the form of time to distract opponents can be faster while other teammates are not far from player. That way, other team members can do it too cover opponent's attack player attacked by enemies.

The last strategy is strategy flanks rotation which is a combination of flanks Right and left.  Flanks rotation is done by moving around the enemy and as soon as possible to attack from behind. By doing this strategy, player can outwit the enemy well.

However, this strategy also has drawbacks player will be away from his teammates. So that when attacked by an opponent, player it will be difficult to find help.

Laura's character

Laura is one of the female characters in Free Fire games. Laura's superiority in terms of very high accuracy cannot be doubted. One of them is accuracy in shooting his enemies with just one shot.

Laura herself is a 24-year-old agent. Laura has a talent for shooting since childhood. para Free Fire Lovers of course know him as a person snipers the most dangerous. When friends gamers If you want to play this game with high accuracy, Laura's character is the right choice.

The character Laura is suitable for playing in all game modes games this, either way solo, duo, nor squad. With skills qualified, Laura was able to overthrow her opponents quickly.

skills Laura

Laura has skills which is deadly compared to other characters in Free Fire. Sharp shooters Becomes skills Laura's mainstay. With this flagship skill, you can kill dead enemies instantly.

skills Laura in terms of accuracy increases with age levels game, even at the beginning of the game, his accuracy will increase 10%. accuracy skills Laura will increase by 4% each switch levels.

Upgrades occur from levels 1 in 10%, levels 2 increased to 14%, on levels to 3 increased to 18%, levels the 4th increases to 22% and so on until the end of the game.

On levels 5, mate gamers will also get Agent's Windbreaker and on levels 7 will get Agent Banners. Scopes can be used to maximize skills owned by Laura.

Laura's character will also shine even more when played in mode squad. This is because, Laura can provide very effective support from the back.

As a snipers, a character type like Laura will find it easier to kill opponents from a distance if your teammates who are at the front are able to bait your opponent well. That way, those of you who are behind will find it easier to keep an eye on the enemy.

If so, have you decided which character is suitable for the strategy Flanks this is buddy gamers?

Also Read: Playing Using Flanker Strategy? Just use Laura's character!

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