The Best Counter Hero Brody in Mobile Legends 2022, Beat It With This!

Pros of Hero Brody

Check out the best Brod hero counters on Mobile Legends 2022 on this page. If you are curious about Brody's counter heroes, please continue reading to the end.

Brody is a hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang that you may love and hate. He has one of the best kits being able to easily kill agile foes once he locks them up.

Its base damage is so high that some players even use it as a tank, and still get away with it. He is a great ally in every situation, and a nightmare to go up against.

However, like all other marksman heroes, Brody can be countered with bursts and a hero who has the ability to quickly enter and leave teamfights. He's very vulnerable in the early game, so put pressure on him during that period.

Here are some of Brody's counter heroes when you face the Lone Star.

Latest List of Brody Mobile Legends Counter Heroes 2022


The Most Sick Hayabusa Mobile Legends Counter

Some of Brody's counter heroes that you will mention are not easy to master. Only the hero Hayabusa is considered one of the easiest to use as a counter hero Brody. The key is not to give Brody the opportunity to stack his passive on you.

This is where Hayabusa shines. He could use Ougi, Shadow Kill to deal damage to Brody without giving him a chance to fight back. This method works best when he is alone.

In a 1v1 situation, bridge the gap with Ninjutsu, Quad Shadow, then use your ultimate to deal damage, and return to one of the shadows for safety if it survives. Don't take the old fight against Brody.


hero ling

Ling is another marksman who can handle Brody. Thanks to his various mobility skills, Ling was able to easily close the gap and destroy Lone Star with ease.

Finch Poise great ability to flee the battlefield once Brody has a full stack on you. After he casts the Torn-Apart Memory and the cooldown takes place, Ling can quickly return to fighting the Defiant Sword to finish him off.

Tempest of Blades can also make it harder for Brody to stack on you if you can trigger Sword Field. Always remember to always move and avoid Abyss Impact.



Just like Hayabusa, Claude is a marksman hero who can destroy almost all enemies once he gets his core item. Mobility alone can be a tough fight for Brody.

What makes Claude one of the best counter marksman for Brody is his Battle Image Mirror and Blazing Duet combo. As soon as Claude enters the fray with this ultimate, Brody might try to counterattack by stunning you with Corrosive Strike and increasing his stack.

Luckily, you can teleport back to the mirror image, away from Brody's Seperated Memory. With the right timing, positioning, and core items, Claude can almost always blow up Brody once Blazing Duet is activated.

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The Painful Nana Build

Who doesn't know this annoying cute hero, Nana can be the perfect counterattack to fend off attacks from Brody, Nana has annoying crowd control skills, both from skill 2 and skill 3.

Brody can be sure it will be very difficult when he has to face Molina Smooch's Nana. Brody, who is known to be very annoying, will have a hard time dealing with this one hero.



Eudora is a hero who has relatively short crowd control skills, coupled with very brutal burst damage, making her very suitable as the main counter against Brody when she is an opponent.

Even though Eudora can be a reasonable counterattack, that doesn't mean you can just attack her. Of course, surprise attacks were very effective.

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That was the list of the best Brody counter heroes that you can use in the Land of Dawn in 2022. So, don't let Brody dominate the lane by countering him using the heroes above.

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