This is the Reason Why Chrono Needs a Serious Buff in the Free Fire OB32 Update


The Chrono skill requires nerfing to make the game more balanced for everyone, but it seems like Garena has gone overboard in making the character. So this character needs a serious buff in the OB32 update Free Fire.

Chrono was released on Free Fire in early 2020 in collaboration with Christiano Ronaldo and he has become one of the best characters to get. Its ability to protect players with a shield while allowing them to attack enemies from outside is just too strong.

Even after a few nerfs with his cooldown and skill duration, this character still gets used a lot because he's just too good. After the OB32 Free Fire update, the developers finally put an end to everything by removing the ability to shoot through Chrono's shield.

While this is great news for other players, Chrono users now have a less than satisfactory character. While nerfs are meant to improve balanced gameplay for everyone, Garena may be overdoing it.

Here are the reasons why Garena needs to do the Chrono buff in the OB32 Free Fire update.

Reasons for Chrono Must Be Buffed in the Free Fire OB32 Update

This character immediately became popular because he imitated Christiano Ronaldo. However, gamers soon realized that his abilities were too overpowered. Players are rarely able to counterattack Chrono while the shield is active.

Chrono Player Must Change Playing Style 

Update OB32 Free Fire

With the old Chrono skill, players can quickly build and destroy enemies while inside the Chrono shield. That style of play is no longer feasible after the OB32 Free Fire update. Many players are still struggling to find a new play style that suits the new Chrono abilities.

Before the nerf, players using Chrono had a fixed playing style. They would rush at the enemy, then deploy a force field and knock down the opponent. However, after his ability changed, this strategy became useless.

Players who have perfected Chrono are still struggling to adapt to these changes. While nerfed abilities aren't necessarily bad, they limit Crono's usability in games.

Current Chrono Skills Are Not Very Useful

Update OB32 Free Fire

The current Chrono skill is only good for defensive purposes. While the shield has 800 HP, the skill cooldown is too long and the movement speed bonus is removed. Players cannot use abilities as often as other characters such as Alok and Skyler.

His current skill to just spawn a shield dome with 800 HP was very disappointing. Given the long cooldown time of 120 seconds, it's impossible to use it often in games.

Considering the skills of characters like Skyler and DJ Alok cool down in less than a minute, it makes things unfair. Instead of the nerf leveling the playing field for other players, it makes things more difficult for Chrono owners.

Also read: Must Know! This is a trick to beat the Free Fire Chrono character

It's Unfair For Players Who Buy Chrono

Update OB32 Free Fire

Chrono was never a free character. Players will have to buy it for 599 diamonds and they will most likely have to spend real money for it.

Nerf completely changed the way Chrono's abilities work, which left a lot of people feeling like they were being ripped off. However, after the nerf, its in-game utility has diminished.

Players who buy characters do so with the intention of being able to shoot from a safe place. However, they now find themselves questioning the purchase.

While the developer reserves the right to make changes to balance the game, many players feel cheated by this.

This caused the developer to nerf the functionality for a while. However, his ability changes don't seem to be very effective.

Finally, during the previous update, his ability to shoot through force fields was taken away. While this is good news for other players, those who own Chrono feel a little cheated.

Also read: Is Nairi's Character in FF Better Than Chrono? This is the explanation

Given the circumstances, Chrono has been a disappointing character in Free Fire. While the nerf was implemented for good reasons, he was able to do so with a bit of in-game buffing in Free Fire's OB32 update. In your opinion, will nerf Chrono in the OB32 Free Fire update be appropriate?

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