Latest 2023 Keqing Genshin Impact Build Recommendations

Keqing Genshin Impact

Keqing Genshin Impact has received some major buffs with additions Dendro. The players Genshin Impact definitely going to take advantage of those elements to create some strong team compositions. 

Building Keqing is now easier than ever, and Aggravate's reactions have increased her damage significantly, making her a top contender for DPS with team members or comp right.

You're the one who probably ignored Keqing Genshin Impact in the past definitely wanted to try this build as it is not that hard to build and makes it more robust.

Here are recommendations for the best builds and team compositions when you're trying to maximize Aggravate reactions.

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The Latest 2023 Genshin Impact Keqing Build

Keqing Genshin Impact. Source: VCGamers.

You may overlook Keqing in some games, but with the addition of Dendro, he's become an excellent DPS option.

Many players can now take advantage of Aggravate reactions to increase Electro DPSin a major way, making it a solid choice for the most difficult game content.

To build Keqing it's not too difficult because the best collection of artifacts can be planted easily. The Thundering Fury set is available through domains in Mondstadt and the game's Artifact Strongbox system, allowing players to collect many of these Electro-focused artifacts. 

For Keqing, who primarily uses Electro damage, the Thundering Fury set is the best choice as it gives her additional damage in addition to reducing her cooldown, making her use her abilities more often.

In terms of substats, you'll want to focus on maximizing their Crit stats first, as Keqing doesn't have many energy issues with the right team composition.

Once the crit to critical damage rates are at a good ratio, players focused on Aggravate reactions may want to look for pieces with the Elemental Mastery (EM) substat, as having higher EM will significantly increase Aggravate reaction damage.

In terms of weapons, Keqing's best sword for Electro DPS hasn't changed much. His best weapon overall is the Mistplitter Reforged, followed closely by the Jade Cutter. 

For players who don't have this powerful 5-star sword, weapons like Lion's Roar, Blacksword, or even Iron Sting can be a strong 4-star choice for Keqing Genshin Impact Aggravate.

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Comp recommendations 

build keqing genshin impact team 1
Keqing Genshin Impact. Source: VCGamers.

Whereas for comps or the Keqing Aggravate team in Genshin Impact is quite simple, because players only need two main components outside of Keqing.

First, strong Electro support to help Keqing battery and provide additional procs of Aggravate reaction. Second, a reliable character who can apply Dendro to enemies. The two main characters who best fit this role are Fischl and Dendro Traveler.

These two characters are easily available for most players F2P, making Aggravate teams easy to put together. 

Fischl deals incredible damage to the team thanks to his high Electro application rate and strong multiplier. 

The Dendro Traveler is Dendro's only applicator off the field, making him a great choice for this team, although fans can use Collei as a substitute as well.

The final slot in this team is open to various characters, and players can fill it with their best support character.

Some of the best options are characters like Kazuha and zhongli, because both of them are supports that can increase the damage of Keqing and her allies significantly through their powerful abilities.

You can also choose to add another Dendro character to your team like Collei, as that will add Dendro Resonance to your team, making Aggravate reactions stronger by increasing Elemental Mastery. 

Genshin Impact's 5-star character Keqing has gotten some big buffs thanks to Dendro and now, you have the option to build some powerful teams.

Also read: 5 Strongest DPS Characters in Genshin Impact October 2022

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