Free Fire Advance Server has introduced a cool D-Bee character. Check this post to know more about the D-Bee character.
Free Fire is a Battle Royale game that frequently makes new updates. Many new features are added almost every month, including characters. In this article, we will analyze the D-Bee character to see if the Free Fire D-Bee Character is as good as the current meta character.
About the background and appearance of the D-Bee character

Nothing has been revealed about the origins of the D-Bee character, all we know is that he is a street musician and dancer. The appearance of the D-Bee character is quite stylish. He was dressed more or less like a DJ, with headphones, a big jacket, and a bandanna.
It's possible that the D-Bee character is another character based on some real-life celebrity, similar to most of the musicians in Free Fire. The D-Bee character is the fourth musician to be added to the game.
About Abilities
D-Bee's character skill is a passive skill called Bullet beats. When equipped with this ability, his accuracy and movement speed will be massively increased if you shoot while moving.
The best part about this ability is its ridiculous value. This is probably due to the difficulty of shooting while moving. At level 1, Bullet Beats give you +35 percent movement speed and accuracy when shooting while moving. This bonus increases up to 70 percent at max level, the highest speed bonus in Free Fire to date.
Interesting fact that this bonus will likely be stacked with other movement speed bonuses in the game. Combo Chrono + D-Bee + Joseph + Kelly can give you +121 percent movement speed.
If you are under Alok's aura from one of your teammates, the increase can be 136 percent. This is the highest movement speed increase a player can achieve in Free Fire.
How to Use D-Bee Character Abilities
D-Bee's character abilities really cannot be compared to Alok or Chrono, because Bullet Beats is a passive skill while the others are active. However, the effects of this skill were definitely comparable.
The bonus accuracy of 75 percent of bullet hits will make even the most inaccurate weapon fire properly and its insane increase in movement speed will let you rush while dodging attacks from enemies.
It's important that you can fire your weapon continuously to maintain the bonus, because the boost will stop if you have to reload.
The best weapons to use in combination with this skill are spam SMGs like the MP40, LMGs like Kord. Even a shotgun like the MAG-7. Not sure whether this bonus will work when the player is on the phone or not.
However, the weakness of D-Bee's character is that in medium to long range combat, shooting while moving will not work on AR or SR. Overall, this character is stronger than Chrono and Alok in certain builds but weaker in flexibility.
Best Skill To Combo With

As mentioned above, the D-Bee character is perfect for rusher builds, especially with spam guns. Due to its nature as a passive skill, Bullet Beats are very versatile. Here are some combo recommendations with D-Bee in Free Fire OB32.
- Alok/Chrono/A124/Xayne: It is best to use one of these active skills in combo with D-Bee. They are all useful in rusher builds. However, the last three are better because you don't really need the speed boost from Alok.
- Shirou: His skills work quite well in shotgun making. In exchange fire, you can deal a huge amount of damage with just one proc of this skill.
- Dasha: Her passive reduces recoil buildup, which is a big problem when you're shooting while moving. This makes your weapon more accurate than before.
- Jai: Automatically reloading after killing is very useful because you can immediately continue the battle without having to wait for it to reload.
- Jota: This combo is enough to force you to use the shotgun and SMG, which are weapons protected by Jota's passive.
Also read: Chrono vs D-bee FF: Which is Better for Rank Match in Free Fire?
The Best Weapon To Combo With

All SMGs work very well with their abilities, except VSS and CG15. The weapon with the most synergy possible is the MP40, a very close-range weapon with very low accuracy. With the encouragement of the D-Bee character, you can easily shoot people with a gunshot now.
Automatic shotguns like the M1014 and MAG-7 work very well with the D-Bee's capabilities. You need to be able to shoot while rushing at the target so fast they can't dodge.
LMG is also quite useful in combination with D-Bee, as its skill completely eliminates both of the class's weaknesses: slow movement speed and low accuracy. This skill might even work on a super slow Gatling gun.
Also read: 5 Best Pets To Combine With D-Bee Free Fire
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