The Strongest Baxia Counter Hero in Mobile Legends 2022

Jungle Tank Heroes

Is it difficult to face this Baxia hero? Find out about the strongest hero counter Baxia in Mobile Legends 2022, making the wheels useless.

Every time Mobile Legends releases a new hero, inevitably this new hero will appear overpowered despite being nerfed before being officially released on the original server. Baxia is a tank hero who seems quite thick, and many people don't know about Baxia's hero counter.

Don't worry because in this article we will discuss some of the strongest Baxia counter heroes. Who are these heroes? Instead of being curious yourself, see the list below.

List of Baxia MLBB Hero Counters


Counter Hero Baxia

One of the weaknesses of the Baxia wheel is that it will stop when it hits a minion. Of course this also happened to Sun's shadow, he would be easily stopped by Sun's shadow which made him unable to go anywhere he pleased.

On top of that, Sun is also one of the many fighters with deadly damage per second, and he can beat him quickly and easily. So, Sun deserves to be the first strongest Baxia counter hero in Mobile Legends.

X. Borg

Counter Hero Baxia

As we all know, X.Borg is currently the strongest fighter hero in Mobile Legends because he has incredible damage, even a tank hero like Baxia can't survive X.Borg's attacks long enough because this fighter has really deadly damage.

Not only that, X.Borg can attack him from a distance which will make it difficult for him to stand in one lane like X.Borg. Besides that, X.Borg has a short cooldown so X.Borg can beat him.

X-Borg is still one of the deadliest heroes in the Legends mobile game. Easy to use skills and great damage and difficult to perfect, X-Borg is also the most banned hero in 2021.


Counter Hero Baxia

Maybe it's no longer a secret that Karrie is the best tank destroyer marksman in Mobile Legends because she has really powerful attack speed and damage.

These two things are enough to make Karrie the strongest counter hero Baxia in Mobile Legends because any tank hero, including her, cannot withstand devastating true damage.

Karrie is known for her sick damage abilities. This makes Karrie a hero with high defense as a tank or fighter. His damage was painful in the last match thanks to the sheer scale of his abilities.


Counter Hero Baxia

Whoever the hero is, no matter how strong the hero is, this hero can be defeated by Nana because this support hero has annoying and annoying crowd control. Nana can turn enemies into small rabbits, and make them unable to do much.

Besides that, Nana has the ultimate skill that can produce stun in a wide range, she will find it difficult to move if Nana is on the opposing team.

Nana's 2 skills are some of the most annoying skills in MLBB. Nana will throw a stuffed cat (which looks like a totoro), then when the opponent gets close, the opponent's hero will become a doll and it will be slow and unable to attack or cast any skills for 1.5 seconds.

Also read: Paquito's Strongest Counter Hero in Mobile Legends 2022


Counter Hero Baxia

The last hero to counter Baxia is Terizla. The fighter hero with the slowest attack speed in Mobile Legends can be used as a counter hero for Baxia because Terizla has unimaginable burst damage. Terizla also has crowd control to make the wheels useless.

Terizla is a fighter hero with painful explosion damage, has very difficult damage and defense, so besides being able to deal high damage, you can also endure all enemy attacks. Sometimes too, this hero can be used as a battle tank or pure.

Also read: 5 Strongest Argus Counter Heroes in Mobile Legends 2022

Those were the five strongest counter heroes for Baxia in Mobile Legends 2022 that you can use to beat him. Don't let you become a victim of the ferocity of the Baxia wheel.

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