Hello fellow Vicigers. Are you Mobile Legends players? you must know this info! 5 of the strongest fighter heroes in Mobile Legends that you must know!
This time, we will discuss about the 5 strongest fighter heroes in Mobile Legends which are being widely used, especially in this month's MPL S8 Tournament! Want to know anything? the strongest fighter hero that we will discuss in full to the end.
Rather than really curious about this hero! Come on, let's take a look at the following discussion article!
The Strongest Fighter Often Used in MPL S8
X. Borg

This first strongest fighter is suitable for friends to use when pushing rank. This strongest X.Borg fighter was really contested in season 21, until now X.Borg has become a banned subscriber when the rank is epic to mythic.
X.Borg's fighter ability has enormous damage in the early game and also this hero has two types of very thick HP like the tank hero.
The passive skill of the X.Borg hero is fiagra armor, which this skill can give the X.Borg hero additional HP. All damage that X.Borg hero receives will be given to Firaga armor as long as it is active until the HP of Firaga armor runs out.
So after that the X.Borg hero will roll towards the target then will take off his armor and change shape into an armorless form. After that, it will collect energy again until the energy is full and summon the Firaga armor again.

Phoveus is one of the heroes that is very troubling for the players who will fight him. Because, this Phoveus has a unique ability.
Hero Phoveus is a fighter role that has terrible durability and doesn't look easy to lose or die even though he's been attacked several times. This makes some heroes scared enough to fight it.
This unique ability possessed by Phoveus can make him counter all kinds of core heroes in the Mobile Legends game, especially the core heroes of the assassins type.
Also read: Rave, a player who once won MPL, where are you going now?

Balmond is a Fighter hero who has a low skill cooldown and needs his skills to kill his opponent.
With the combination of Balmond's skills with the Bloodlust Ax item, this hero can be said to not have to recall and return to his base to replenish his blood when dying.
The reason is, the vamp skill effect given by this item and HP regen means that a Fighter hero who uses this item can easily master the lane and can be at the forefront when teamfights are happening.
The effect that is given to the opposing hero when using this Bloodlust Ax item is that it can deal great damage produced by this vamp skill effect and can reduce the opponent's movement speed by several percent.

Kaja's strongest fighter has the skill of attracting opponents. This is very necessary to attract or kidnap enemies towards the team. That way important heroes in the enemy can die quickly.
Even though Kaja has a fighter role, this durability is not optimal when facing duels or team fights.
Kaja is a fighter who has quite a tough task. They are in the side lane to defend the turret. Kaja must defend the turret to the last drop of blood.
Kaja's weakness is having damage small ones, dependent on friends, dependent on initiation, where limited, and also skills used requires high calculation. If wrong use skills it will be wasted.

Those of you who often use Paquito will definitely notice that Paquito's passive has changed a little, now the required stack has decreased to 3 from the original 4.
The way to get the stack for Paquito's passive has changed slightly from before, if previously you had to hit your opponent or minion to get this stack, all you have to do is use skills to get the stack.
For how to get lots of stacks on the Paquito hero, this is quite different from the previous one, this new passive certainly has many advantages and disadvantages compared to the previous passive on this hero.
Moreover, Paquito is one of the heroes in Mobile Legends who is fast in cleaning minions, this allows him to rotate quickly.
Also read: Paquito in Mobile Legends Season 20 is Back Overpowered!