16 Counter Clint Heroes, Defend His Ulti and Skills!

clint counters

Counters Clint in Mobile Legends season 23 this is quite lively voiced by player who are overwhelmed with buff default seasons 22 then.

There is a pretty drastic increase especially in physical attacks Clint produces damage sicker than before. For that reason, Clint was again used by player especially when ranked matches with build newer uses items latest too.

Upgrades this of course must be resisted by player others who play using heroes another when facing Clint in the arena.To counters Clint, it takes a strategy like ambush, ganking, even intercepted Clint in gold lane and closed the movement there.

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Therefore, this article will discuss about heroes that can dampen Clint's moves, both in gold lane nor time mid and late game.

16 Hero Counters The Most Effective Anti-Dizzy Clint Version by VCGamers


counter clint beatrix

Heroes counters That Clint is just as deadly as Clint is on ranked matches is Beatrice. The reason is, Beatrix can change weapons which also change skills passive and ultimate-his. You will also take advantage skills passive and ultimate This Beatrix is so Clint can be defeated quickly.

First of all, you can position Beatrix on lanes gold for farming and buy items adder physical attacks because you're going to be using it a lot burst ult. At the same time, use skills 1 and if necessary, skills 2 to change the weapon combination.

counter clint beatrix vs clint

Beatrix has skills special to choose dual pistolsher and choose a weapon Renner and Wesker for bursts damage which you will use it for counters Clint.

Make sure Beatrix has enough buff and items upon entering midgame because it will be assigned as heroes attack deterrent ultimate Clint.

Another option, you can use rocket launchers and machine pistols for attack AoE ult. Do this when Clint iscover by his partner so that he will still be affected by Beatrix's attacks.


counter clint brody

Brody is also one marksmen which is a nightmare for player for being named one heroes meta in seasons this along with Beatrix and Clint. The good news is, you can use Brody to fight Clint.

Just like Beatrix's strategy, you need a lot farming gold so you can buy extra items for physical damage and truedamage, as well as adders attack speed if needed. All skills You can use Brody to deal with skillset Clint.

counter clint brody vs clint

Use a combination skills 2nd and ultimate Brody to get Clint exposed stun so you can continue with ultimate Brody the damageits quite sick.

Before doing this, attack Clint so Brody can tag him with Abyss Mark which will activate when Brody does ultimate.

skills You can also use 1 Brody to block Clint from afar, but make sure Clint is not accompanied by anyone tank or support to make Brody's attacks more effective. skills This 1 can slow Clint's movement.

Also read: Brody Used to Be a Midlane Playmaker, Now More Fit to Be a Sidelaner!


counter clint claude

Counters Clint and Claude will take advantage of Claude's ability to hinder Clint's movements, the same as when using Brody. The difference is, Claude has the ability poke which is better than Brody.

Claude can stack up attack speedit by using skills 1 to attack minions nor opponent. You can play on sidelane or gold lane immediately while monitoring the opponent Clint. While waiting, you can use skills 1 for stack attack speed.

Enter midgame, you can start poke or if possible, kill Clint with ultimate and combo basic attacks Claude. If you feel you can't beat it, use it flicker or skills 2 so Claude can escape from Clint's shooting range.

Define timings and your strategy for attacking Clint, because he has skillset a very sick moment midgame.


counter clint natan

Heroes which you can also use for poke Clint is Nathan, with skills ultimatethe one who delivers magic damage high enough to hit the target.

If you wear items with physical damage, then you will take advantage skills passive. But if you use items magic damage or lifesteal magic, you must be good at using skills 1, 2 and ultimatethe problem is quite difficult, especially for beginners.

counter clint natan vs clint

You can interrupt Clint at gold or sidelane so he can't farming and penetrate turret your team from the sidelines. Spam skills 1 to confront Clint shooting while dash back and chase him away from the area turret your team.

Trap Clint with his teammates using skills 2 for preparation using ultimate Nathan. You need to be close enough to Natan's clone to switch places with him.

Do this when Clint uses skills 2 or ultimate-his.

Also read: 5 Ways to Play Hero Natan Mobile Legends, Really OP Bro!


counter clint edith

The advantage of using Edith for counters Clint is on roles tank and marksmen-his. What's more, Edith still has the status effect as tanks modeher as she becomes marksmen. Like Nathan, you have to decide build Among physical or magic damage.

Because Edith had two mode, you can ward off attacks bursts Clint with tanker mode, then do counterattack with marksman mode-his.

counter clint edith vs clint

In early game, Edith can still be used as carry or cover while farming buff red and gold. You can also start confronting Clint from the beginning games with skillset tanks modewhich is almost similar to Jawhead (skills 2).

In marksman mode, you will benefit with skills passive mode tank so that Edith could at least face burst skills Clint. Counter the attack with skills 1 and 2 marksman mode so that the opponent loses coreshim and your team can focus on heroes or turret opponent.


counter clint khufra

The trick you can do with Khufra is to use it skills 1 and 2 for poke and annoys Clint. Khufra also benefited skills blinkits quite far as long as it's aimed properly.

If Clint uses skills The 2nd, Khufra can catch up with Clint skills 1 of these. Once you are close to Clint, use it skills 2 or ultimate to attack him. skills 2 Khufra can also be used to escape enemy attacks while attacking them.

Using Khufra against Clint will take advantage of his strengths as tankers who have a lot MOBILE PHONE which is also one heroes specialist mid and late game.

Also read: Should know! 6 Strengths and Weaknesses of Hero Khufra in Mobile Legends So You Don't Just Use It!


counter clint gloo

Tanker heroes This Gloo would be quite a pain for Clint to rely on movement speed-his. As Gloo, you can break Clint's path of movement by skills 1 and 2 Gloos.

You have to remember that for counters Clint effectively, use skills 1 first before skills 2 so that Gloo can generate magic damage larger one by dragging Clint toward it slimes which in-spawns by skills 1 gloo.

Interestingly, you can use ultimate Gloo to control heroes opponent. While controlling heroes opponent, you can move them towards turret or his partner to attack them. You can also use this for HP reset Gloo.

However, use ultimate this against Clint when MOBILE PHONE Just enough Gloo not to get hit kill along with the Clint you control.


counter clint franco

Heroes which is being hit tire because there is bugs and too OP You can also use this to immobilize Clint. With skillset the one that can stun with damage this high enough, you can get Clint hit a lot kill especially in early game.

Use skills 2 when Franco is near Clint so he takes effect slow. After that, drag Clint with skills 1 towards your teammates to-ganking.

If you want to slaughter Clint with Franco, use it ultimateso that Clint could not move even more with the successive hard punches that Franco did.

You have to buy a lot items adder movement speed for Franco in late game to be able to avoid counterattack Pretty quick Clint, like ultimate skill and the 2.

Also read: Moonton Bans Franco Mobile Legends, Here's the Reason

Yi Sun Shin

counter clint yi sun-shin

Using Yi Sun-Shin to counters Clint means to exploit skills 1 and 2 in early game as well as skills 2nd and ultimate moment midgame.

Yi Sun-Shin has the ability to remodel base your team and attack heroes fight with base when the level is high enough.

Interrupt Clint in gold lane with skills 1 and 2, while a little farming buff red and speed. After that, you can start the combination skills 2nd and ultimate to impede Clint's movements from afar.

When Clint uses skills His 2, counterattack with skills 1 Yi Sun-Shin to attack him from afar so that he gets hit stun. You can take advantage of this situation kill or run away from Clint.


counter clint benedetta

Facing Clint with Benedetta meant taking advantage blink skillsits quite a lot, even basic attacksyou can use it for blink. This will be very useful to prevent Clint from running away from you.

In early game, you can compete with Clint freely because you hold back enough basic attacks until the sword bar is full, then let go so that Benedetta attacks Clint while dash. After that, you can also continue with skills 1 to return to your team.

Mid and late game it's a power struggle blink between Benedetta and Clint, so make sure you build Benedetta with items physical damage and shields so you can compete burstsits Clint.

Use ultimate Benedetta in order to cut off Clint and company's escape route.

Also read: 5 Advantages of Benedetta Mobile Legends, You Must Know This!


counter clint lancelot

Counters Clint and Lancelot are also almost the same as Benedetta's method, that is, you have to be able to manage timings ultimate, skills 2 and 1 so right on target. The difference is, Lancelot has a shorter distance than Benedetta.

Adjust Lancelot's position when attacking Clint so that he is right on target. skills 1 Lancelot you can spam in early game, connected with skills its 2. There will be an effect skills passive adds damage Lancelot's attack on Clint.

skills This passive will also add to the effect of items and battle spells which Lancelot used in order to beat Clint quickly.


counter clint saber

Ability hero assassins this one is no doubt. Player usually use Saber for ambush by hiding in the bushes and then attacking with ultimate-his.

You can use this ability to face Clint, which at least can make Clint more aware of Saber's presence. Take advantage of this carelessness to deceive Clint and use it skills 1 and 2 when you tricked Clint.

Saber will need a lot items that could improve physical damage and critical damagehim, so that he could ward off Clint's various attacks on mid and late game with ultimatethe one who can one hit knockout opponent.

Also read: Saber Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends, Carry the Team to Victory!


counter clint ling

Heroes This Ling could be a handyman poke reliable if you can master skills The only one who can jump and walk on the arena walls. Moreover, Clint is heroes with skills blink and bursts which is quite inconvenient in midgame.

You can use Ling to study your opponent's movements early game while jungling and take buff red. When Clint comes, you can jump on the wall after poke with skills its 2.

If Clint uses skills 1 and 2, you just run away from the attack range to take buff gold first. It will be better if you take items that could improve critical damage Ling.

Moment midgame, take advantage skills +1 to avoid Clint and use ultimatethat will provide damage sick of Clint. When using ultimate, Ling will also be immune to any attack for just 1.5 seconds.


counter clint helcurt

If Ling uses the wall to counters Clint, then Helcurt would use the darkness to make Clint lose sight of him. This is what you will use now mid and late game so that Helcurt can make room for your teammates to attack Clint.

Moment matches started, skills 2 Helcurt can attack Clint from a distance and slow his movement. If you dare to get close to Clint, use it skills 1 so that Helcurt teleports while simultaneously attacking Clint and slowing his movements.

Because skillset Helcurt which mostly is skills which is very powerful for tactics ambush, take advantage ultimateto make Clint lose his way. In this situation, Helcurt becomes faster, both of attacks nor movement speed-his.

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counter clint bruno

Heroes You can use this soccer player to attack Clint from afar with his deadly kicks that can give critical damage quite sick.

If you succeed build Bruno, guaranteed Clint will be overwhelmed to face ultimate of Bruno. The strategy of using Bruno is the same as using Ling, ie farming gold to buy items adder critical damage.

Bruno has also been equipped with skills passive adds attack speedhim, so you can kick the ball at Clint faster.

Shut it down skillset Clint with ultimate spam Bruno at mid and late game at any opportunity, because this is the ultimate weapon that effectively kills Clint quickly.


counter clint kagura

Heroes You can also use Kagura for counters Clint especially when Kagura was holding his umbrella. Mode Kagura holding the umbrella can issue ultimate skills type bursts which of course will make Clint frantic.

You have to be able to manage usage skills 1 and 2 because it affects Kagura's movement and attacks. Ulti You can also use Kagura mode with an umbrella and without an umbrella to push or pull Clint.

When Clint uses skills 2 or 1, counters with ult mode without umbrella so Kagura could pull it. If Clint is slowing down, you can use it ultimate mode umbrella to get Clint hit burstdamage.

Also read: The Painful Kagura Build Item in Mobile Legends, There's No Medicine!

Heroesheroes You can use this in the same team composition when facing Clint, or in a different team composition. So, don't be afraid anymore of Clint who wasbuff Moonton ya Vicigers!

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