Wow! Effective Mini-14 Weapon for Long Range Warfare!

Mini-14 guns

About the Mini-14 Weapon

The Mini-14 weapon is a weapon that originates from Player Unknown's Battleground or PUBG which was produced by Sturm, Ruger & Co in the United States in 1973. The Mini-14 weapon is a type of carbine/Designated Marksman Rifle (DRM).

The Mini-14 is also a light and semi-automatic rifle weapon. The origin of the weapon is called the Mini-14 because of its resemblance to the smaller version of the M14 war rifle.

Mini-14s are usually used by certain figures such as law enforcement, hunters, ranchers, security personnel, and marksmen or a trained sniper.

How to Use the Mini-14 Weapon

In use, this Mini-14 weapon is usually used to fight enemies with medium to long range positions. With a bullet capacity of 30 and measuring 5.56 mm, this Mini-14 weapon has quite a lot of capacity magazines.

With use scope x6 or x8 will make long range shots more precise and deadlier so that the enemy will find it difficult to escape from this Mini-14 attack.

In its use there are several recommendations attachments the best that can be given when using this Mini-14.

In use of the Mini-14 at medium range position.

  • Extended Quickdraw Mag: Increase reload and capacity magazines.
  • Compensator: Reduce recoil or pounding vertically and horizontally.
  • 6x Scopes: Can magnify objects up to six times.

In using the Mini-14 at a long distance position there are not too many things that are different from the use of the Mini-14, only the difference is in the scope used. For long distances the scope used is 8x as much.

  • Extended Quickdraw Mag: Increase reload and capacity magazines.
  • Compensator: Reduce recoil or pounding vertically and horizontally.
  • 8x Scopes: Can magnify objects up to eight times.

Tips that can be used in shooting to make it more stable

ADS sensitivity is one of the causes that have an influence on the results recoil or the beat becomes more stable. One of the settings that we can adjust so that the shots produced are more stable, namely ADS sensitivity itself.

ADS speed Sensitivity and Camera Settings

The most frequent causes recoil unstable ie camera settings and ADS speed Sensitivity. The following is an example of the settings commonly used by PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds or PUBG players.

Camera Settings

ADS Sensitivity

So that recoil and scope don't shake too much, you can follow the ADS rules Sensitivity and camera settings like above.

Complete Gears Your weapon

To minimize recoil on weapons, the thing that needs to be done is to equip your weapons with various gears like grips and compensator.

Anti Shooting Trick recoil

To adjust recoil, it is not enough to use the settings mentioned above, but we also need to know how to shoot or tricks so we don't get hit recoil.

The way that can be done when aiming at the enemy is by placing scope which will be pulled towards the bottom, so recoil the result is not too messy.

Mini-14 Weapon Specifications

This Mini-14 weapon has various advantages, one of which it has recoil which is low, the ammunition capacity is quite large, and can also use AR attachments and SR. This Mini-14 weapon is also quite strong even without it attachments.

There are advantages, so there are also disadvantages, as possessed by this Mini-14 weapon. The shortcomings possessed by the Mini-14 include: damage low too crosshairs small one.

Behind rate of fire which is high, it turns out that this Mini-14 weapon has little damage compared to other DMRs.

The specifications possessed by this Mini-14 weapon, namely: power by 46, with rate of fire by 43, range by 63, capacity of 20, with a stability level of 60.

This Mini-14 weapon has a DMR type, namely the Designated Marksman Rifle with a bullet type of 5.56 mm and has a Muzzle attachments, Sight, and Magazines.

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