5 Best Dota 2 Soft Support, Auto Win!

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You can use the recommendations for the 5 best soft support heroes dota 2 this is to get an easy win. Who are the best dota 2 soft support heroes? 

Dota 2's best soft support role can always be underestimated. But did you know that the position as the best soft support in Dota 2 is one of the positions with the biggest impact in the game. His role is one of the guards in the game, because support determines whether the cargo gets enough farming or not.

Choosing the best dota 2 soft support, if you and your friends want to play, of course, it must be precise and effective. Don't let the choice of hero support make your girlfriend irresistible. Here's a list of the best Dota 2 soft support that you can use to help your team win games.

List of Dota 2's Best Soft Support Heroes


Dota 2 Best Soft Support

Omniknight is one of the best dota 2 soft support heroes with the simplest mechanics in the game. The thing you need to do is spam the 3rd skill. Skill 3 on the Omniknight hero has actually been updated to the previous Patch 7.31.

Hammer of Purity is a solid starting skill. You can push enemy heroes away from the reach of your carry. This way your carry will have an easier last-hit and won't be bothered by your opponent's offlaners. 

Omniknight himself is often chosen to be hard support because of his high survivability. With the addition of her second skill, Heavenly Grace, you can get a total of 20 HP regen and 38 STR. So crazy, right? 

Omniknight doesn't need much either. Just having Arcane Boots and Aether Lens seemed good enough to help the team win the team. Several other items such as Aghanim Shard or Aghanim can be purchased if you buy 2 main items.


Dota 2 Best Soft Support

Undying is one of the best dota 2 soft support heroes, thanks to his skill 3, Tombstone. If you place the tombstone in the right location, you can ensure that the battle between your team and the opposing team will soon be won by your team.

The enemy team will be affected by slow impact and overtime damage as close as possible to the tombstone that you place.

Even though this hero is similar to Omniknight, he is given 1 and a half spells which is enough to keep you going and winning jobs. You can also destroy enemy heroes using Decay.

Immortality itself is not a hero who relies on material. Enough with Arcane Boots and Mechanism, you can already engage in battle with your team. Other additional items to purchase are Shivas Guard, Lotus Orb and Aghanim.


Dota 2 Best Soft Support

The current patch focuses on the landing phase and early-game team battles. Due to the faster pace of the game, Dota 2 players are more likely to play with faster heroes.

He proved to be one of the most difficult to support. This hero is a strong laner thanks to the Glaives of Wisdom. This means that Silencer is one of the heroes who will definitely win the right battle. Besides that, Silencer is able to kill enemies with his 2nd skill, Arcane Curse.

The main silencer, Global Silence, is an excellent end to the war. This spell prevents all enemies from using skills for a few seconds. Some of the items for the Silencer hero are Normal Power Treads, Magic Wand, Force Staff which will later become Hurricane Pike, and Null Talisman.

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Ogre Magi

Dota 2 Best Soft Support

Ogre Magi will be one of the best dota 2 soft support for beginners. This hero is very strong at the beginning of the game. Ogre Magi can provide solid and reliable support.

This hero also has good stats. Hero support is usually slow, as is Ogre Magi. However, with its new multicast ability, Ogre Magi can double its capabilities. If using Ogre Magi, the cool down won't take long. With Bloodlust you can get from 60 to 120 attack speed.

Ogre Magi are very strong against Earthshakers, Templar Assassins or Shadow Fiends. Make sure you buy the right support items to improve your Ogre Magi skills.

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Dota 2 Best Soft Support

Another best dota 2 hero is Warlock. Warlock is a trusted hero for a support position.

Warlocks have more control over the battlefield, including dealing damage, repairing allies, and settling team fights. This hero also gives a slow effect in a very wide area.

The most important Warlock skill that deserves to be the best hero mentioned in Dota 2 support is the ability to repair allies and damage enemies with Shadow Word in a balanced way. He also has high flexibility in teamfight when he is still in the landing phase.

Warlock has enough strength to fight other heroes like Meepo, Enigma or Chaos Knight. You can choose this hero if you get a role as support. Those are some of the best Dota 2 support heroes to choose from. 

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So, those were the recommendations for the best Dota 2 soft support heroes in the latest 2022 patch. Hopefully this article can be useful for all Vicigers friends.

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