5 Easiest Heroes to Use with Huge Damage in Mobile Legends!

Solo Rank Mobile Legends

You already know that in Mobile Legends there are heroes that are the easiest to use and equipped with great damage. Anyway, this is really suitable for Vicigers friends who are new to playing ML.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) is a very popular multiplayer MOBA game with more than 100 million downloads on the playstore. This game has a large collection of heroes with more than 100 heroes in the game.

But to really rank up more efficiently, players must have a thorough understanding of the easiest heroes to use.

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This article presents the easiest heroes to use in Mobile Legends, but are also equipped with high damage. This hero will be very suitable for novice players.

List of the Easiest Heroes to Use with High Damage


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This fighter hero is very good at dealing enormous damage while recovering HP based on his passive skills. Balmond's skills can deal massive damage to enemies, and he is very useful in defeating slow-moving enemies.

Balmond's 2nd skill introduces a new phenomenon called 'Continuous Damage', the damage the enemy takes increases based on the number of hits they get.

This skill is useful for dealing damage to several enemies at once as long as they are within the attack range.

Using Balmond lets one understand how AOE (Area of ​​Effect) and Continuous Damage work. Of course, Balmond is the easiest hero to use for new players.



This tank hero is very good at absorbing damage received from enemies while at the same time providing strong attacks for your team.

Tigreal is equipped with good CC skills starting from push forward, airborne knock, pull to center, and stun effect. Tigreal's very high CC and HP skills make him a very strong tank hero.

Tigreal is also the easiest hero to use from defense to attack. When using Tigreal players must be patient, as it is a useless strategy if you think you can take down the enemy damage dealer yourself. Players must always be supported by their teammates, be they Fighters, Mage, Assassins, or Marksman.


Layla is a marksman hero and the easiest hero to use in ML. He can deal a high amount of damage to enemies as his damage output increases with his attack range.

Unlike Miya who can hide herself if she is ambushed, the only way Layla can protect herself using her skills is by fighting and maximizing her passive 'keep your distance' rule so she can deal high damage to the enemy.


Guide Miya Mobile Legends

This marksman type hero is also the easiest hero to use with high damage dealt. His skill set allows him to deal damage to multiple enemies at once from a wide range of attacks.

When playing with Miya, players must focus more on fulfilling her passive condition. When her conditions are met, she can easily deal more damage to enemies due to her increased attack speed which comes from her passive skills.

Miya's ultimate skill provides great defense as it removes all debuffs and CC (Crowd Control) effects from her while hiding her.

Also read: The Best Mobile Legends Tank Hero for Beginners 2021


Eudora is a mage hero who is the easiest hero to use with high damage. He could deal high explosive magic damage in seconds.

When playing with Eudora, one must pay attention to her passive, which increases her skill damage. Use his second skill, which stuns one enemy target.

But when you follow his passive, he can stun a group of enemies so long as they have semiconductor markings on them.

Studying Eudora is important because she makes people understand the importance of CC for a mage as well as dealing high burst magic damage, because, without CC Skill 2, she won't be able to easily land her ultimate skill on the enemy.

Also read: This is a list of the best skins for Hero Masha in Mobile Legends 2021

That's a list of the 5 easiest heroes to use in Mobile Legends with high damage. The heroes in MLBB do have the amount of damage and their respective advantages.

Even though it's easy to use, the selected hero must still have high damage to kill enemy heroes. Please choose one of the heroes above and win the match!

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