Here are 6 Perfect Tips for Playing Mobile Legends for Beginners

Here are 6 Tips for Playing Mobile Legends for Beginners

Hello Vicigers friends, Mobile Legends is a MOBA game that is fun to watch but quite complex to play. If you are already familiar with MOBA games, you don't need to learn long to play them. But if you are a beginner, how do you play Mobile Legends?

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As a beginner in Mobile Legends, there are lots of things to learn. You can learn while playing, but if you make lots of mistakes it will actually become a burden for your teammates who have to be the carry.

So, how do you get good at playing Mobile Legends quickly and prevent it from becoming a burden? You can follow the following tips and tricks for playing MLBB as a beginner which have been summarized by

How to play Mobile Legends for beginners

Acquaintance with heroes

Tips for Playing Mobile Legends for Beginners
Source: Pinterest

Mobile Legends has hundreds of heroes with their own skills and specialties. It might seem difficult to study them one by one, but in short the MLBB heroes are divided into the following categories.

  1. Tank: Tanks have a duty on the front lines to hold back the enemy. They have high defense to lock the opponent's movements. Examples are Tigreal, Johnson, and Grock.
  2. Fighter: If the tank is in charge of the front for defensive purposes, then the fighter is for offensive business. They are melee fighters who function as damage dealers for opponents. Examples are Chou, Sun, and Ruby.
  3. Assassin: Assassin is to have speed and deadly attack to kill the opponent's hero. However, their low HP makes them challenging to play. Examples are Fanny, Helcurt, and Hayabusa.
  4. Mage: Mage is a DPS that can deal damage from a distance. Usually they have powerful burst and crowd control. Examples are Alice, Eudora, and Harith.
  5. Marksman: Like a mage, marksman also attacks from a distance. Then what's the difference? If the mage gives DPS, then the marksman specializes in crit. Examples are Miya, Layla, and Lesley.
  6. Support: Support has a role as a support for other players. Their skills tend to be used for healing or protecting friends. Examples are Angela, Diggie, and Rafaela.

Determine your favorite heroes in each role and learn game mechanics with them before moving on to other heroes. If you're still confused, you can start with Layla because the mechanics are newbie-friendly.

Master your favorite hero role

Source: Gadgetren

After determining the heroes you want to study, you can start mastering them by understanding their skills. The arrow buttons on the right side of the screen near the ultimate button explain what kind of skill the hero you are using. Take advantage of their skills according to the situations and conditions in the game.

Apart from that, you can also install Battle Spells before the game starts. Battle Spells provide additional skills that can add strength or cover your hero's weaknesses.

Prepare the right items

Source : Kincir

Items function to increase the strength of your hero. Items must be purchased in-match, but you can arrange the loadout before the game starts. Each hero can only carry 6 items.

In the game menu, you can copy loadout items from pro players that have proven their effectiveness. Then in the game, you can buy these items by pressing the icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

Study maps

Source: Pinterest

The map in Mobile Legends is divided into several segments: Base, Lane and Jungle. The explanation is as follows.

  • Base: Base is the headquarters of your team and the opposing team in the upper right and lower left corners of the map. If your base is destroyed, then you will lose.
  • Lane: Lane is the path where the minions from the base move towards the opponent's base. Along the lane, there are several towers that function to hinder the progress of heroes and minions. The lane on the top and left is the top lane, the lane on the right and bottom is the bottom lane, and the diagonal lane in the middle is the mid/middle lane.
  • Jungle: A combat area filled with monsters that can be killed. Some monsters will give extra HP, gold, or buffs according to their roles. There are also boss monsters, namely Turtle and Lord which will give large gold and EXP. Lord is the most coveted, because Lord can be summoned by those who defeat him to attack the opponent's base!

Understanding the Mobile Legends map is not only beneficial for you, but also for the team to facilitate communication and collaboration!

Understand positioning

Source : RevivalTV

Speaking of teams, Mobile Legends is a team-based game. You have to work together with friends to win the game. The key in this team battle is positioning.

Positioning is setting the position of your hero relative to friend and enemy heroes. Positioning will affect the outcome of your and your team's hero battles with opposing heroes, and can change the course of the match if executed properly.

The position between the heroes takes place dynamically and influences each other. Positioning is not just a matter of keeping your distance, but also understanding the role of each hero and also the relationship between them, and knowing when to attack and when to retreat.

Research the new meta and buy heroes

Source : Bluestacks

The strategy that worked for you this time may be useless the next time. Especially when a new patch appears that changes the gameplay significantly. You have to be diligent in researching the meta which is okay, by trying it yourself or studying the experiences of other gamers.

In several patches, there will be new heroes that you can buy. Loh, heroes have to buy? Yes, some MLBB heroes must be purchased with battle points or diamonds. Before buying a hero, make sure you know the skills, strengths and weaknesses so they can be maximized properly.

Those are some tips and tricks for playing Mobile Legends as a beginner, Vicigers. I hope you can get good at it quickly and get a high rank!

Don't forget to check out MLBB tournaments and other esports tournaments that you can take part in at, starting from PUBGM, Mobile Legends and many more!

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