Categories: Free FireGames

Skyler vs Xayne: Which is Better to Destroy the Gloo Wall in Free Fire?

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Skyler vs Xayne character, which is better to destroy the Gloo Wall in the game Free Fire? Let's thoroughly peel Skyeler and Xayne's skills in this article.

Gloo Wall plays an important role in Free Fire. These items protect you from incoming damage and allow various tactical maneuvers. These utility items are the most important in the game and are a meta in the community.

While effective in battle, the Gloo Wall is indestructible, and with enough damage it crumbles to dust. While grenades are the perfect tool for the job, there are two characters in the game who excel at destroying Gloo Walls: Skyler and Xayne.

Both characters are fan favorites in the community because of their unique skills. However, who is superior in destroying the Gloo Wall in Free Fire? Read on to find out.

Comparison Between Skyler and Xayne

Skyler skills

Riptide Rhythm Skyler excels at destroying enemy defenses. The sonic waves move forward when activated, damaging up to five Gloo Walls within 100 meters. This skill has a cooldown of 40 seconds.

Apart from damaging the Gloo Wall, this character also has a passive healing skill. You will restore HP each time you place a Gloo Wall.

Skyler is indeed very effective at destroying enemy Gloo Walls that are quite far away with a very fast cooldown period. Not surprisingly, many bar users use it.

Xayne's skills

Xayne's Xtreme Encounter provides a huge boost to combat capability. When activated, you can receive an 80 HP increase, which decreases over time.

In addition, the damage output on Gloo Wall and shield increases by 100 percent. It has a cooldown of 100 seconds. This long cooldown is indeed a weakness of Xayne's skill, so you will have to wait long enough to be able to reactivate it.

In crippling enemies, you can rely on Xayne with her excellent skills. Xayne is indeed a female character who likes anti-mainstream sports in the real world. Extreme Encounter makes her a female character in Free Fire that deserves to be reckoned with.

Skyler In Battle

Skyler plays the role of the front push lane in Free Fire. With his skill to clear Gloo Wall quickly, teammates can gather behind him and attack the enemy. In addition, with her self-healing skills, Skyler can defend herself in battle.

Xayne In Battle

Xayne played the role of heavy forward. He can break Gloo Walls and force enemies out easily with his skills. She is perfect for attack or heavy fire support from the side. With a temporary increase in HP, he can also defend himself in battle.

Any player who faced Xayne would be terrified if their Gloo Wall was destroyed. Because, he can also do damage using the weapon you use in your hand.

Also read: Dimitri Vs Alok, Which Is Better in Clash Squad Free Fire?


So, after the comparison above, who is better at destroying the Gloo Wall in the Free Fire game?

Skyler and Xayne have the same skills, and both excel at destroying enemy defenses and are very good characters in Free Fire. However, there are some differences in skills.

Skyler's skill is almost instant. When activated, the sonic waves instantly destroy the Gloo Wall. On the other hand, when Xayne uses her skills, she has to use weapons to deal damage.

Based on the facts above, Skyler is indeed better at destroying the Gloo Wall in Free Fire. However, when it comes to dealing damage to Chrono's force field and Gloo Wall, no one is better than Xayne.

Also read: The Best Healing Skill in Free Fire OB31 2021, Which One to Choose?

So, that was the skill comparison between the two in destroying the Gloo Wall in the latest Free Fire OB31 update. Just decide for yourself, who do you think is better to use to attack the enemy. Because, every character in Free Fire has its own advantages and disadvantages.


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  • Xayne is enough to reach level 3 because if you reach level 6..
    When our blood HP is activated it is cut off..

    Xayne Ndas Asuuu is TOP