
How to Play the Binemon NFT Game, Understand This Bro!

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after popularity NFT games that skyrocketed, like Axie Infinity and Sandbox. Other similar games appeared, including the Binemon NFT game. 

Binemon is a virtual pet NFT game with active elements, in which players can collect and trade eggs.

Players can collect prizes in the form of pets known as “Binemons” to train, combine, or sell through their Market. Apart from that, users can also claim ownership of the game, because the monsters in this game are NFT. 

Similar to other blockchain games that earn money, players must have several monsters before entering the battle. The way to get these monsters is by getting eggs or buying them directly from the market using the DRK token which is one of three tokens in the Binemon metaverse.

How to Play Binemon NFT Game

Binemon Android NFT Game. Source: Play Store

Before players can become a part of this cool game, players will receive creatures that will fight for them. These beings were divided into various races, ranks and classes.

Once the player has it, he can enter the PvE game mode to start collecting rewards and get a chance to connect monsters to become stronger. You can play games from internet browsers and cell apps for android and iOS devices.

Players will face various special attack faculties for prices. For players who are more interested in playing games with other players, they can find a good strategy to win prizes in the form of Ambrosia.

Ambrosia is one of Binemon's gifts. Not only Ambrosia, players also have the opportunity to get various kinds of goodies on the PvO leaderboards.

Players with higher levels will have better access to special benefits from Binemon's partners and sponsors. In the game, the player can get eggs, characters, items and land. They can trade all of these as NFTs on the Binemon market using the DRK coin. 

Benefits of Binemon's NFT Game

Cool game NFT that earns

One of the unique things about this game is how the creatures are created. Rarity and uniqueness are important when crafting Binemon's flesh. Each binemon has 10 different body parts to improve the "pool" character.

Even if you hit a hole, or make a combination, players can get rare parts and state money.

Rare monsters with the strongest abilities can help players win the game in PvE (Player vs Environment) and PvP (Player vs Player) faster and get a higher price in the market.

The PvP aspect of this game is great. However, as of this writing, several plans are still in the development stage. A competitive mindset will keep players competitive.

In each PvP battle, the game will reward the winner with DRK and Ambrosia Tokens, which can be exchanged for epic items.

Epic items will help players upgrade their characters and become stronger. Apart from PvE and PvP, Binemon also has Guild War which allows players to conquer the land through team efforts. The Guild also has a mansion, which can grow and start bringing in top players around Binemon. 

Also read: List of Best NFT Marketplaces 2022

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