Categories: GamesMobile Legends

Most Used Mobile Legends Items

Published by
Muhammad Hakum

Items are points that must be studied before playing Mobile Legend. That's because any hero will be weak and easily defeated if he uses the wrong item. In total, 58 types of items are provided in Mobile Legends. These Mobile Legends items have their own uses. You don't need to know everything 11 Mobile Legends Items  Here's what beginners should know.

Spell Vamp

Mobile Legends Items the first is spell vamp. This term is often equated with physical lifesteal. Spell vamp is a function to regenerate HP according to the damage caused by the skill. This function can only be found in Bloodlust Ax items.

Physical lifesteal

These items are often found in Attack items from physical heroes. This item is an advantage for the hero to regenerate HP according to the physical damage and basic attacks issued. Players can find physical lifesteals for these items: Haas's Claws, Endless Battle, Wind of Nature, Demon Hunter Sword, and Rose Gold Meteor.

Magical lifesteal

Almost the same as Physical lifesteal, but for Magical lifesteal it only applies to magic heroes. Magical lifesteal is a hero's strength to regenerate HP according to the magic damage issued. Items that can produce magical lifesteal effects are Ice Queen Wand, Concentrated Energy, and Necklace of Durance.

Physical Defense

Mobile Legends Items This is also what players should know. Physical Defense can only be found in Defense items. Physical defense is the ability to reduce physical damage launched by physical heroes. Players can find it from several Mobile Legends items namely: Twilight Armor, Blade Armor, and Brute Force Breastplate.

Magic Defense

The ability of this item also resembles physical defense, the difference is the special magic defense for Mage heroes. These advantages can be found for Defense items, Movement as well as Attack. A number of Mobile Legends Items which can result in an increase in magic defense, namely: Cursed Helmet, Athena's Shield, Oracle, Rose Gold Meteor, and Tough Boots.

Physical Penetration

Next is physical penetration, such advantages can be found in Attack and Jungling items. Physical penetration is a hero's advantage in reducing the physical defense effect launched by the enemy. Physical penetration can be found from the following Mobile Legends items: Blade of Heptaseas, Malefic Roar, and Hunter Strike.

Magic Penetration

This item is almost the same as physical penetration, it's just that magic penetration only applies to Mage heroes. Mobile Legends Items  this must be enabled when fighting a Tank hero with great durability. Among the Mobile Legends items that can increase magic penetration are: Genius Wand and Divine Glaive.

Where's Reg

The term mana regen means the advantages possessed by Mobile Legends heroes who are able to regenerate mana, aka energy. Such advantages can be found in the following items: Thunder Belt, Demon Shoes, Clock of Destiny, and Endless Battle.

HP Reg

This is also almost the same as where regen is, only the difference is that the HP regen advantage is specifically obtained from Defense items. HP regen can be activated on Tank heroes and Support heroes. These advantages can be obtained by activating Mobile Legends items following : Athena's Shield, Oracle, Guardian Helmet.

Crit Chance

Mobile Legends Items crit chance must also be known and mastered. Hero Marksman is the role that often takes advantage of this greatness. Crit chance is an opportunity to generate damage repeatedly by using a base attack. These advantages can be found in items: Scarlett Phantom and Windtalker.

Cooldown Reduction

Cooldown reduction is an advantage used by all heroes in Mobile Legends. That means this item is quite important and must be mastered by players. Cooldown reduction is an effect in reducing the cooldown of hero skills, up to 40% at most. Cooldown reduction as Mobile Legends Items  can be found in the following items: Queen's Wings, Bloodlust Ax, Enchanted Talisman.

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Muhammad Hakum

A game lover and likes to write about experiences in playing.