
LINE Today Closed, Start Exploring Blockchain to NFT

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LINE TODAY in Indonesia officially closed starting Wednesday 6 July 2022. The closing of LINE TODAY in Indonesia was announced through its official website.

It was stated that LINE TODAY thanked its loyal users.

Next, let's review about LINE first.

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You may be one of the people who actively use this application by enjoying the content in it.

So LINE TODAY is an application that curates the latest news, exclusive videos, podcasts and popular drama and movie streaming services legally and for free.

LINE TODAY was updated on September 16, 2022 and has been downloaded more than 500 thousand times.

This application is very light and does not take up much memory by loading quickly.

In addition, this application only partners with trusted media who can provide verified information.

You can find a lot of information from LINE TODAY partners. Starting from political news, law, lifestyle, sports and games.

You can get the news and information very easily in the application.

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LINE, which is a technology company, will continue to innovate by developing new technologies.

“Sebagai salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang teknologi, LINE terus berinovasi untuk mengembangkan diri ke arah teknologi-teknologi baru seperti teknologi keuangan atau fintech, AI, blockchains, dan NFT,” tulis akun tersebut dikutip Senin 11 Juli 2022.

This change in technology and business strategy has had an impact on the services provided by LINE. Including, in this case, LINE TODAY.

“Perubahan strategi bisnis yang baru ini memaksa kami untuk mengambil keputusan menonaktifkan layanan LINE TODAY di Indonesia per tanggal 6 Juli 2022,” tulisnya.

LINE thanks everyone who has been a part of LINE TODAY for the past few years.

Where, LINE evolved to become one of the most beloved collectors of news, content and stories in the country.

“Terimakasih telah memberikan berbagai komentar yang menarik dan menghibur di berbagai artikel, juga atas dedikasi dan kontribusi Anda dalam membaca berita yang kami suguhkan,” katanya.

In addition, similar remarks were also conveyed to 250 media partners in Indonesia who worked together.

“LINE akan tetap berkomitmen untuk pasar Indonesia dalam menyediakan layanan-layanan esensial lainnya di masa mendatang. Indonesia sangat penting bagi kami, dan kami pun berkomitmen untuk terus menyediakan aplikasi LINE sama seperti sebelumnya,” tuturnya.
