
Get to know the Ranged Crossbow Minecraft Weapon

Published by
Artaz Gang

Crossbow Weapon Minecraft indeed proved to be very effective when used against Mob from a distance. With just a few hits, the targeted Mob can be easily defeated!

Of course as a weapon in Minecraft, Crossbow is one of the best choices that really fits Vicigers use. So the question is, are you able to use it to the fullest?

Now, for those who are curious about how to get this one weapon, you can really see our review below! Please just get into the discussion!

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Weapons in Minecraft

Eits, before getting into the main topic, it's better if we discuss the types of weapons in Minecraft first Vicigers. So you can understand more about the ins and outs of Crossbow later.

In the infinite universe of Minecraft, the existence of various types of weapons allows players to adapt to various situations and survive in the face of challenges.

The weapons in this game have different categories. Not only that, each of these categories also has unique strengths and weaknesses. Here are some of them:

Melee Weapon

Melee weapons are weapons used in close combat. This includes swords, axes, and also (modded) boomerangs. Melee weapons generally must be accompanied by a shield (shield) so that their use can be more effective.

Ranged weapons

As the name implies, ranged weapons allow players to attack enemies from a distance. This includes bows (Bow) and Crossbow is no exception.

Usually, this category of weapon requires some kind of projectile which will then be shot towards the target – like an arrow for example.

Mixed weapons (Melee and Ranged)

Some weapons have mixed characteristics between melee weapons and long-range weapons. For example, the Trident can be thrown at enemies from a distance and also used as a melee weapon when close to an enemy. This provides flexibility in various combat situations.

Ranged weapon projectiles

As explained above, to function, Ranged weapons require projectiles such as arrows.

In Minecraft itself, these various arrows can be specially added to give certain effects to the target that is hit later.

For example, blast arrows have an area of effect (AoE) when launched: they can damage a group of enemies at once.

In addition there are also fire arrows that can burn the target it hits. The use of these can all determine different strategies and tactics in battle.

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Minecraft Crossbow As A Ranged Weapon

Crossbows Minecraft. Source: VCGamers

Of the various weapons described above, one that belongs to the Ranged category is the Crossbow. In order to understand the details further, here is the explanation.

As a projectile weapon, the Crossbow is a more powerful and precise alternative to the regular bow. The crossbow can be found in the crafting menu and can be upgraded with various types of projectiles (arrows) with special effects.

This makes the Crossbow a flexible and multi-functional weapon. Its existence can be combined with various playstyles and tactics from attacking to defending.

How to Get Minecraft Crossbows

Even though it is accompanied by very complex abilities, the Crossbow is not a weapon that is too difficult to obtain. There are several ways that Vicigers can do to get this weapon:

  • Get it via natural spawn: This can be done by taking down Hostile Mobs like Pillager, or Piglins; find loot chests (chest loot); or buy it (trading) at Fletcher.
  • Make it yourself: If making it, the materials needed are Stick (x3), Iron Ingot (x1), String (x2), and Tripwire Hook (x1). Vicigers can make it using the Crafting Table.
Materials for Making a Minecraft Crossbow. Source: VCGamers

Minecraft Crossbow Mechanisms and Functions

Crossbow Display When Ready to Shoot. Source: VCGamers

In contrast to arrows, which must be used while pressing the "Use" button while aiming at the target (when the button is released the arrow will launch), the Crossbow needs to be cocked first before being used.

First, the player must hold/press the trigger button (Use) with the desired arrow until the Crossbow is cocked.

If so, the player only needs to point the Crosshair/Reticle towards the target, and once again press the trigger button and the arrow will immediately fly. Easy isn't it?

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So, that was the discussion about Crossbow Minecraft. Don't forget, buy skins, items and top up your game needs only at VCGamers Marketplace yes!

Artaz Gang